I fail to see how this is not an infringement on everyone else's citizen voting rights? It's time for a class-action lawsuit - Hello!!?? - calling Judicial Watch........
You can't expect much more from the Crazy Capital of Crazyfornia.
IIRC, they're the only city that has an "app" to report human shit on the sidewalks to the City...it's called "SnapCrap", and it actually exists.......
Spent 5 days there back in early 1989 - I was more impressed with isolated rural villages in East Africa...
San Francisco Now Has A 'SnapCrap' App To Help Residents Report Poop On Public Walkways
Still waiting for the Republicans in power in the .fed.gov to do something about it.
They could...just an example, mind you... make a Law that reinforces the law that says "only citizens can vote". After all, making laws that mimic existing laws are what politicians do, right? They don't actually go out and demand that law enforcement enforce the laws, now do they?
Im waiting for the part where they want to secede from the US and become their own nation or part of the country they left in the first place.