Yo Crypt Keeper Ginsberg, let's recap one more time for you brain dead progressives....Hillary lost because she is a gin-soaked, crooked, greedy, lying, murderous, self-righteous, disconnected, elitist windbag. She lost because she thinks she's above the law and better every American commoner. She lost because she thought she was entitled to the job and made no effort to win. She lost because she projected herself as nothing more than Obama 2.0 and as we all know, Obama was the worst, most corrupt POTUS ever. Now please go to bed and wrestle with a pillow.
There comes a point in time when all the screaming of "sexism" and "racism" and every other "-ism" is overused so much that they no longer have any meaning.
Her voice sounds too good to me. I was hoping she would sound a bit more like she is near the end..., you know, raspy, weak, etc. At this rate, I fear that unless death takes her suddenly and unexpectedly, she will likely be with us for another term. FUCK!