I see you've disregarded the direct statements ive provided. Time will tell, but I'll take them by their statements and prior rulings.I've been paying attention to the general lack of spine and intestinal fortitude in all but two of our SCOTUS justices.
Three of the justices are outright Liberal Progressive hacks. One of the justices is an outright pretend constitutionalist. The three most recently appointed justices are afraid for their own lives and are apparently easily swayed by mob threats. So...there are only two justices who will stand for the constitution at all times. For the sake of our nation, that just will not be sufficient.
Nobody was going to touch the election thing. There was just no widespread evidence. If it was overturned the country would have burned or worse.
This 2A case (which they just voted to hear - they didn't vote to for no reason), has nothing to do with the election case.