.475 A&M Magnum
US Supreme Court Agrees to Take up Ban on Gun ‘Bump Stocks’
The high court will review a case challenging the legality of a controversial ATF
this should be interesting
US Supreme Court Agrees to Take up Ban on Gun ‘Bump Stocks’
The high court will review a case challenging the legality of a controversial ATF
The wish list for this would be for them to say "if the federal agency tasked with interpreting this law can't even say what it bans without changing their mind, then it's obviously unconstitutionally vague."If they Rule correctly
it would be the END of the ATF making up Rules and changing definitions to back there new Rules ..
they way the ATF is going .. a stick of chewing gum could be a machine gun .. just have to chew it 200 times and stick it in the right
place to cause a malfunction in the gun .. ohhhhhh it went full semi auto .. for 2 shots ..
AKA Auto Key Card and 2 are in jail for that .. ATF was hell bent on making it work to put them in prison
Trump's SCOTUS picks may not be perfect, but they're a hell of a lot better than Hillaries world have been.SCROTUM is not our friend or, as a a matter of fact, a friend of the republic.
Clarence Thomas is the only Justice with cojones and an encyclopedic knowledge of REAL constitutional law.
Even Alito is a border-line hack.
This is one of the the 2 sticking points I have about voting for Trump again - his 3 SCROTUM appointees are all complete shitweasels, limp-wristers and sellouts.
And he has still never owned-up to the fact that FauXi, Birx and the KOVID Kommie Krew bamboozled him.
He has to publicly attack these people and enunciate his own culpability before he'll get my vote.
And, no, I don't give a fuck what you think about that.
Trump's SCOTUS picks may not be perfect, but they're a hell of a lot better than Hillaries world have been.
Can you imagine the shit show we'd be in if this was her second term.
About as permanent as mag-locks have to be per NYS law. ie: all it would take is another conservative admin to wipe it from the books.Another Dem admin with a Congressional majority, and those stocks and others will be perma-banned.
There is no reason anyone should be able to easily convert a weapon to fire 800 rounds per minute. Machine guns don’t belong in our communities,” Everytown posted.
I understand your point, but the RKBA ought not be a ping pong ball. No offense intended toward you.About as permanent as mag-locks have to be per NYS law. ie: all it would take is another conservative admin to wipe it from the books.
My apologies, I meant to remark on this too.So this wouldn't eliminate any law in NY against bumpstocks since it only says "ATF can't make up new law".
Granted, the law is un-Constitutionally vague (for not defining an acceptable rate of fire), un-Constitutional infringement of 2A, and complete B.S. (like most NY laws).
But they are still outlawed in NY.
The NFA is just a law.Bad news is what Alito wrote:
"A Texas man, Michael Cargill, surrendered his bump stocks, but filed a lawsuit challenging the ATF regulations. Cargill argued that the ATF exceeded its authority in defining bump stocks as machine guns.
In a concurring opinion, Alito wrote, “The horrible shooting spree in Las Vegas in 2017 did not change the statutory text or its meaning.”
“That event demonstrated that a semiautomatic rifle with a bump stock can have the same lethal effect as a machine gun, and it thus strengthened the case for amending §5845(b),” he added. “But an event that highlights the need to amend a law does not itself change the law’s meaning.”
Alito then wrote that it was Congress, not a federal agency, that should take action if necessary.
“There is a simple remedy for the disparate treatment of bump stocks and machineguns. Congress can amend the law—and perhaps would have done so already if ATF had stuck with its earlier interpretation. Now that the situation is clear, Congress can act,” he continued."
So Alito is saying that the GCA can be revisited by Congress to amend it and make bump stocks illegal.
But how can they be illegal if they are factually NOT machineguns?
Another Dem admin with a Congressional majority, and those stocks and others will be perma-banned.
This should have been a chance for SCOTUS to show some balls and make it clear that the RKBA CANNOT be restricted by alphabet agencies OR fucking Congress and their fucking tyrannical laws against the RKBA.
SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED you spineless wonks.
What a ridiculous bunch of bullshit this once free nation is living under. Lies upon lies.
EDIT: Remember, it was Trump who first ordered ATF that bump stocks ought to be banned in the first place!
Let the whining begin.
I like where you are going with this, but it should be all weapons, and yes to the ridiculous extreme F15's, live gun tanks, and nuclear weapons. Privateers existed and were perfectly acceptable at the dawn of this country and were armed at the same level as any government Navy.Bare minumum (and I mean really bare minimum), practically all infantry weapons that can be carried on your person are lawful in the United States.
I am not saying that is the limit, but the floor, the starting point.
If he had, the body count probably would have been lower.BTW......
The shooter(s) in Las Vegas did not use Bump Stocks....