Serious issue. They said NY's tazer ban is not legal. But it's still on the books, and you'll still be arrested most likely if you're found with one.
Very close to zero effort put in by the state to address. They just simply ignore it. Don't care.
Stun Gun Laws in New York
A federal court found in 2019 that New York’s complete ban on possession of stun guns and Tasers violated the Second Amendment. But the state may change its laws t

In 2019, a federal court struck down a New York law that made it illegal for civilians for possess stun guns or Tasers anywhere and for any reason. The court left open the possibility that certain restrictions on these weapons could pass constitutional muster. But until the state changes its laws, New Yorkers are free to buy, keep, and use stun guns—as long as they don’t use them to commit other crimes.