Of course. By any reasonable account this tax is achieving exactly what was intended. Amazing results. I would say it's time to make it even more onerous.They lied about their goal. The agenda was for gun sales in the city to plummet.
Bingo.Band-aid thinking affectthe problems are the scumbags of the earth not the legal gun owners
the politicians and the anti gun groups fill their pockets and the scumbags continue as usual
When i have to go to Seattle which is very, very seldom I carry one of my handguns purchased in the next county up. Seattle is a big SUCH HOLE!Their mayor is a fanny packer that will not seek re-election because of his lust for under age boys.
They just passed a tax on soda, 1.75% per ounce.
The State of Washington can shove Seattle up their big FAT CUM FILLED ASS!
This is the perfect example of TAXes. The Gun Dealers don't pay the tax, they collect the tax.
Yet snowflakes are so freaking stupid that when they hear Hillary or Bernie scream about raising taxes on those greedy bushinesses, they are really saying we are taxiing you you dumb asses and you are cheering us for doing it. (They must be thinking to themselves, Gawd, these people are dumb)
Hey let pass more laws on pharmacists. Because of the Crack, Heroin and Meth scourge in inner city ghettos!
Washington State doesn't have any Drug Dealers what so ever, They call them "Unlicensed Pharmacist".
Same as we don't have and Illegal Aleins, They are called Undocumented Imigrants.