There is a video on youtube where someone tests this. Im not sure, its either Hickock 45 or Demolition Ranch maybe....ill find it.In what way can the position of the plate at any time other than the couple milliseconds it is in contact with the bullet have any effect on the trajectory of the ricochet ?
Can I shoot all day, then when I'm done walk downrange and lay the plate flat and have that make a difference ? If the angle of the plate doesn't matter an hour after the event is over, why does it matter 1 ms later ?
Anyways, by placing a piece of paper under the target, it showed ALOT more splatter going harmlessly down from hanging steel targets than from ridged steel targets placed flat.
The downward angled steel and free hanging directed the same amount of splatter down.
So there is something to hanging steel sending less splatter back at you.