I bet ya a fiddy he turned the pistol sideways too.Looks like the shooter tried to knee cap someone, must be one of the 'new responsible' shooters that don't want to take a life. Yeah, thats it.
I was there a week ago and didn't see such signs.But, they’re not allowed to do that!
That place is a gun-free zone.
I was there a week ago and didn't see such signs.Also stayed away from the food court..
Given the number of cameras throughout the mall, I have to say it is a little surprising that someone can get away with this.Notice no one arrested or even found?
Same shit happened in WNY with the Galleria Mall. When first opened it was beautiful, - loved going there to shop and eat at multiple restaurants besides those in the food court upstairs at the time. Built by the Pyramid Company out of Syracuse. Private property. And guess what: they kept the NFTA buses off of the property. They had to get on and off on Walden Avenue and cross a lot of traffic."If you build it, they will come."
When first opened, most malls were for those with vehicles and cash........the inner city busses did not go to the malls.
Inner cities, in the 1970's like Syracuse with many small stores and some big ones, had a big minority problem , like Sears and Montgomery Ward on S Salina St.........so the malls were conceived to isolate them from the riff raff theives.
Dewitt Mall had a huge problem, as did Fayetteville mall, Great Northern mall, etc with minority protests about racism. Today most malls are as dead as graveyards.
Destiny Mall/Carousel mall needs an cop army to protect shoppers................minority scum have essentially created the Internet OUT OF NECESSITY, as an alternative to getting shot or robbed...........
Mall of America in the Twin Cites, used to be great, when I visited 25 years ago, is actually 4 malls with a center court..............now it is Mogadishu.
Lincoln said it best.