Tried going out to the same spot that I went out on Friday night when I saw 2 fox and 1 coyote,,,tried early this morning right at day break with my buddy who owns the property. Saw nothing but flocks of crows and flocks of geese. Buddy tried shooting one of the crows with a double 00 shotgun coyote round. It laughed at us.And wont ya know the friggin song dogs are going crazy around here tonight!
So it seems that this has turned into the predator hunting thread.
Went out last night. Great weather - not too cold or too windy. First set I had a small red fox come check out the call / decoy. Smelled it and looked around then wandered off. ( I don't generally shoot fox unless they look mangey or sick ) the one of the neighbor's dogs showed up. Next set I had a coyote come in charging and pounced on the call. Shot and missed the damn thing. It stopped moving for a split second and I shot just as it began to put it in overdrive to get out of there. Missed again ! Third set, I parked and got out of the truck only to hear competing electronic calls from each side of the road. I think they were trying to call each other. Back in the truck and on to another location. Got all set up and everything was quiet and calm. As soon as I let go a little baby bunny scream there were at least 4 sets of eyes on the other side of the field. Oh, good ! I thought...Here we go ! 10 minutes later they all showed up directly downwind right where I figured they would. In the front was a big female. Whacked her. Dropped in her tracks. 2 dogs behind her moved closer to her and then turned and disappeared. A minute later one that had been hanging back in the hedgerow stepped out and I let loose. Thought for sure I hit it, but I watched it take off in the thermal scope. After a while I went over to the one I knew was down. Found her laying there all tore up. The .204 caught her in the neck and damn near decapitated her. What a mess. To top it off, she was in bad shape with mange. Went over to where i thought the last one was and looked around. No sign of anything, so I watched the video in the scope. After instant review, I came to the conclusion that it was a clean miss. Still a while before sunrise, I stopped at a gun club and set up on the trap field. 15 minutes after I got settled and another vehicle pulled in. WTF !? Who the hell is here at 5 am on a Sunday ?! Turns out it was one of the members getting ready to open for an archery shoot that was going on today. By then it was getting a little light out and I called it a night. Wasted a bunch of ammo, and nothing to show for it. If someone can explain how to upload the video from the scope, I will. I can't figure out how to do it. Somehow would have to connect the scope to the phone. ???
What are you using for scanning, thermal, night vision or red lights?
What 204 loads are you shooting,,,purchased rounds or reloads? What twist is your 204? I love my 204 but ended up setting up my night vision on the 223. I reload for the 204,,,,my barrel is a 12 twist,,,,cant shoot anything accurate but 32's. 39's were semi ok but not as accurate as the 32's.
Not sure what type of gun you would be using this for,,,,,its similar to what I used on my AR and its not really the right or wrong setup for a Photon scope and a AR. I had to turn my mount around so that the scope would sit back further and mount properly to my eye. In all honesty I dont think there would be much difference between an extended scope mount and a set of rings because with either you would still have the scope mounted further back to be comfortable.@JamieZ did you end up moving your scope rearward? I was looking at this mount to push the scope farther back if that's better. Monstrum Slim Profile Series Cantilever Offset Dual Ring Picatinny Scope Mount with Quick Release | 30 mm Diameter: Sports & Outdoors Monstrum Slim Profile Series Cantilever Offset Dual Ring Picatinny Scope Mount with Quick Release | 30 mm Diameter: Sports &
See how Tisto has his thermal mounted to his AR in the pic above? Thats the way you would want the Photon mounted,,,,further back towards your eye.@JamieZ did you end up moving your scope rearward? I was looking at this mount to push the scope farther back if that's better. Monstrum Slim Profile Series Cantilever Offset Dual Ring Picatinny Scope Mount with Quick Release | 30 mm Diameter: Sports & Outdoors Monstrum Slim Profile Series Cantilever Offset Dual Ring Picatinny Scope Mount with Quick Release | 30 mm Diameter: Sports &
I'll try that,,,,thanks.My nightvision scope has a small hole in the center for use in the light. I can measure it when I get home later. Sighting it in was easy: dusk. Put a 4" square of reflective tape on a large piece of cardboard. Shine a flashlight at it from your shooting bench. It shoyld be easy to see in the scope. Once you have that set, go to a 2" square for fine tuning.
I warned you about trying thermal !By the way my buddy stopped over with his beautiful little daughter last night and brought with him something for me to try,,,,,,his father's Pulsar thermal monocular,,,,,,,,,,,,ummmm, lets just say it blows my mono away,,,,,,,,it was so beautiful to look through. My dog lit up bright white,,,cars going by the tires were bright white and underneath the car was bright white but the rest of the car was black. I really freaking loved it.
Made me want a thermal monocular so much more now
who knows,,,,maybe I will have a brand new NV mono for sale soon LoL
Yep lol.....You can also take a loan out to pay for it.
I warned you about trying thermal !
Don't worry, you have two kidneys and the surgery isn't that painful.
You can also take a loan out to pay for it.
Spotting with a thermal and ending the deal with a NV scope has worked for me for a long time.
Yep lol.....
Handheld Thermal Imagers & Accessories | Night Vision Guys
Thermal vision devices have become one of the most cost-effective systems on the market. Where night vision used to be the most affordable route, thermal imaging technology has, over the years, become much more accessible to the consumer market. Thermal devices offer a unique advantage, as