There are 3 vendors I go to the Syracuse gun shows to see, bs with and buy parts from, other than that it is a people watching event.
my local AR builder is selling AR at 650 and up NY fixed mag and all the Evil , he got a complaint his prices were to low from other vendors .. to bad so sad ..
Hhhhhmmmmm. That is EXACTLY what happened to me at the saratoga show last week.
I'm not sure what you guys expect to pay for things. I see Ammo at the gun shows that I participate in the guy sells his ammo for basically what I can buy it for wholesale....
My friend Nick from Northeast reloading sells on the Internet. His prices on the Internet are the same at the gun show. He sells hornady he 55 grain full metal jacket boat tails for 7 1/2 or eight cents apiece.
How much cheaper do you think people should sell shit for?
One example I clearly remember and others here may remember too at the recent White Plains show was a Ruger Precision rifle. That vendor was asking $1800 for a completely stock rifle which is $400 above MSRP. That is a ripoff no matter how you look at it. I could understand selling for MSRP but when asking prices are hundreds above MSRP with no mods to the gun, then that's the point when you are paying too much.
Fuck it...
I'm done buying additional guns for a while anyway!
Meh, I mostly go to the Syracuse gun show because I love checking out guns and talking to some of the vendors that have been there for as along as I have been going. Over 30 years now. I plan the day around the show and just take my time. I never get tired of looking at the same stuff. Old or newer. Hell, that's why I got into guns in the first place. If or when I find something I'm interested in and I can negotiate a deal that both the vendor and I are happy with , then that's just icing on the cake. If not well, I still call it a good day when I can stroll through a 1000 tables full of guns and accessories in one place.
Glock?I am as well. Matter of fact, I am getting ready to post up a glock 27 later tonight.
You should have blown 15 bucks.I've been to exactly 1 gun show in NY. That was far more than enough for me.
This was back around when the PPS first hit the market, and I asked to handle it (it was on display), and was treated with such disrespect that I, a vary calm and "brush it off", have nothing to prove, hate Internet badasses, guy, almost knocked this guys teeth out.
Turns out it was a LGS, and they VERY shortly thereafter went out of business, and I can see why.
This clown was asking for it.You should have blown 15 bucks.
can you convert it to black powder for meI am as well. Matter of fact, I am getting ready to post up a glock 27 later tonight.
Nobody likes those. Gander at Middletown had a whole display case on used Glocks. They were almost all .40's.Yep, I have a 27 that I do not care for and have decided to move it along to a better home.
Nobody likes those. Gander at Middletown had a whole display case on used Glocks. They were almost all .40's.
Are you forced to have a Glock as your duty piece?
Yeah, Glock 22 for work. No other options are allowed. Not sure why I decided to even buy the 27, impulse buy i guess.
Is the 27 convertible ? I did the conversion on my M&P 40 to 9mm.
It is. 9mm .357 Sig. But I think @GOPerfect is racist against Austrians.Is the 27 convertible ? I did the conversion on my M&P 40 to 9mm.
Is the 27 convertible ? I did the conversion on my M&P 40 to 9mm.
I do not know, I have never looked into that.
I am as well. Matter of fact, I am getting ready to post up a glock 27 later tonight.
Once upon a time, I had at least two state troopers, in full uniform, follow me to my car in the parking lot at the gun show in Middletown, NY. One was in the row to left of my car's row and the other one row to the right. They actually hunkered down and almost duck walked, every now and then putting up their heads to take a peek as I brought a rifle I had been trying to sell (inside the show) back to my car. It was friggin comical, I guess they thought I was about to try to sell it in the parking lot. Funny, there was a guy in the parking lot earlier, who asked me if I was selling whatever rifle I had with me when I was taking it inside. I told him it was not for sale until I got inside and he could look at it then if he wanted to see it. I never saw him again. He looked like the Fudd type (or like cop pretending to be a Fudd).Can you guys in NY buy guns off the net ? If so why bother, beyond socializing and having your picture taken by the NYSP, do you go ?