6.5 Creedmoor
When you put a rifle in your vehicle do you usually put it in a case?
Just askin'...
Just askin'...
When you put a rifle in your vehicle do you usually put it in a case?
Just askin'...
Thank you for reinforcing my decision to leave the state.
It's time we all put gun racks in our rear windows again
Yes, always. I don’t own Any safe queens but I do take pride in how I take care of my firearms and Everyone that I take to the range , in the field to hunt with or travel to a buddies house for some extended recreational shooting goes into a rifle, pistol or shotgun case.When you put a rifle in your vehicle do you usually put it in a case?
Just askin'...
Yes, always. I don’t own Any safe queens but I do take pride in how I take care of my firearms and Everyone that I take to the range , in the field to hunt with or travel to a buddies house for some extended recreational shooting goes into a rifle, pistol or shotgun case.
The guy is screwed. The law is quite plain about leaving a firearm unattended in a vehicle. In a ditch, out of gas, prior arrests with no conviction, it doesn't matter.
Safe Handling and Storage Law
How does the new law impact transporting guns in a vehicle?
Effective September 1, 2022, if you leave your gun unattended in a vehicle, it must be unloaded and locked in a fire, impact, and tamper resistant storage depository that is hidden from view. Glove compartments and glove boxes are not appropriate safe storage depositories. A plastic or aluminum, lockable, hard-sided, gun case or safe will suffice for this purpose.
If an adult remains with the vehicle to ensure security, a case or safe is not required. To prevent theft and ensure safety, it is always recommended that firearms be secured during transport. Local rules for traveling with firearms also apply and may be more restrictive. For example, New York City requires that all guns be unloaded, in a case, and out of sight, even when you are with the vehicle (Penal Law § 265.45).
Heller v McDonald .. locking up a gun is unconstitutional ...
"According to the Court, the ban on handgun possession in the home amounted to a prohibition on an entire class of 'arms' that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense. Similarly, the requirement that any firearm in a home be disassembled or locked made “it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense.” These laws were unconstitutional “under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights.” But the Court did not cite a specific standard in making its determination, and it rejected the interest-balancing standard; proposed by Justice Breyer, and a “rational basis” standard."
Yeah inIt’s fun living in America, we have gun racks in trucks and rifles can be loaded in them.
Yeah inland having a air freshener hanging on your rearview mirror could probably get you to assume the position
Which is hilarious because you could completely black out your rear window if you want but no sticker!It can get you a ticket for an obstructed windshield. One of those Baby on Board stickers people put on the rear windows can, too. Don't ask how I know.
What [art of this did you miss? We are talking about a guy who left his rifle in his truck, not his home.
Safe Handling and Storage Law
How does the new law impact transporting guns in a vehicle?
I live in a CAR ,, RV .. same
or do you loose your Right to Self Defense in your automobile
Show me where one loses their right to self-defense while in an automobile. The law is about storing an unattended firearm when left in a vehicle. Let me post the section of the law regarding unattended firearms in vehicles, and you can point out the section where one loses the right to self-defense while in a vehicle.
Safe Handling and Storage Law
How does the new law impact transporting guns in a vehicle?
Effective September 1, 2022, if you leave your gun unattended in a vehicle, it must be unloaded and locked in a fire, impact, and tamper resistant storage depository that is hidden from view. Glove compartments and glove boxes are not appropriate safe storage depositories. A plastic or aluminum, lockable, hard-sided, gun case or safe will suffice for this purpose.
If an adult remains with the vehicle to ensure security, a case or safe is not required. To prevent theft and ensure safety, it is always recommended that firearms be secured during transport. Local rules for traveling with firearms also apply and may be more restrictive. For example, New York City requires that all guns be unloaded, in a case, and out of sight, even when you are with the vehicle (Penal Law § 265.45).
I agree with you 100% and got into an argument with a trooper when I called the Albany hotline over it. He said that the gun case must be secured to the vehicle, preferably by welding it to the trunk floor or using a cable to secure it. When I asked if he was really serious about welding the case to the floor, he said then just use a cable. I asked if he had ever heard of bolt cutters, and that a thief would be far more apt to have bolt or wire cutters on them that a cutting torch. He hung up.Kewl... But I've read reports of properly secured hand guns being stolen from cars. Some folks shove the locked box under a seat or? (hidden from view), and the thief simply steals the locked box.
I'm not arguing with you. Just pointing out that a locked box doesn't do much good if a perp looks thru a car.
I agree with you 100% and got into an argument with a trooper when I called the Albany hotline over it. He said that the gun case must be secured to the vehicle, preferably by welding it to the trunk floor or using a cable to secure it. When I asked if he was really serious about welding the case to the floor, he said then just use a cable. I asked if he had ever heard of bolt cutters, and that a thief would be far more apt to have bolt or wire cutters on them that a cutting torch. He hung up.