Drill and easy outs 

I already tried that. I think drilling it out is the only thing left. When Eddie man gets back I might just send it to him. I hope he doesn't get his Thai gonosyphilherplaids all over it.Oil and set it 'upside down' and use a rubber hammer on the 'back' side, if that doesn't do it oil it let set overnight and repeat, spring is collapsed and probably broken and now no good so don't worry about it. If all else fails ask Eddie about the warranty.![]()
Couldn't find a small one. I stripped out the screwhead on the bullet guy mag lock trying to change out the mag to a different one and I'm still fighting with it.How about the broken screw extraction drill bit type thing? I dont know how small those bits get but that might be a way to get some hooks into it and get it out (runs reverse on your drill). I think I have a set at home I will look and see how small they are.
Good point. Maybe combined with the pent up spring tension this could work.The mallet on the back side is likely to drive pin in or stick it deeper. It's that inertia thing again. Hitting on the side it comes out from makes the pin and lower want to move in opposite directions so pin wants to come out.
Why screw around? FIRE WRENCH!
Something something... Grenade for a snipers job.Why screw around? FIRE WRENCH!
I dunno. I noticed the bolt stop was all loosely goosey so I took it off and saw that the plunger was stuck. Inclean my guns after every range trip........ usually.What did he do to get it stuck like that? Excessive rust on spring/plunger?
Too lazy for that ATM.