20×102mm Vulcan
Susan Rice Unmasking Docs Sealed in Obama Presidential Library for Next 5 Years
Records relating to former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s surveillance of Americans, including Trump campaign and transition officials, have been sealed at the Barack Obama Presidential Library.
That means they are off-limits from the public for the next five years under the Presidential Records Act.
In April, reports emerged that Rice had requested to “unmask” — or unveil the hidden names of — Trump transition officials who were caught up in surveillance of foreign targets.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explained on "Fox & Friends" that they received a letter informing them that their request for materials related to Rice's unmasking of U.S. citizens, the hacking of DNC computers and suspected Russian communications with the Trump team will not be fulfilled.
Fitton pointed out that there are still options to get these records, such as Congress or special counsel Robert Mueller issuing subpoenas, or the president himself requesting them.
He argued those steps need to be taken, in order to determine if intelligence abuses by Susan Rice and others in the Obama White House actually occurred.
"These are key White House records about what the White House was up to," Fitton said. "And that seems to me as important as anything else."
He added that it's also important to figure out when the records were shipped off to the presidential library.
"Did it happen during the Trump administration? Were they told about it? Was this a bureaucratic shell game?" Fitton said.
Susan Rice Unmasking Docs Sealed in Obama Presidential Library for Next 5 Years
Records relating to former National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s surveillance of Americans, including Trump campaign and transition officials, have been sealed at the Barack Obama Presidential Library.
That means they are off-limits from the public for the next five years under the Presidential Records Act.
In April, reports emerged that Rice had requested to “unmask” — or unveil the hidden names of — Trump transition officials who were caught up in surveillance of foreign targets.
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton explained on "Fox & Friends" that they received a letter informing them that their request for materials related to Rice's unmasking of U.S. citizens, the hacking of DNC computers and suspected Russian communications with the Trump team will not be fulfilled.
Fitton pointed out that there are still options to get these records, such as Congress or special counsel Robert Mueller issuing subpoenas, or the president himself requesting them.
He argued those steps need to be taken, in order to determine if intelligence abuses by Susan Rice and others in the Obama White House actually occurred.
"These are key White House records about what the White House was up to," Fitton said. "And that seems to me as important as anything else."
He added that it's also important to figure out when the records were shipped off to the presidential library.
"Did it happen during the Trump administration? Were they told about it? Was this a bureaucratic shell game?" Fitton said.
Susan Rice Unmasking Docs Sealed in Obama Presidential Library for Next 5 Years