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Video where former Navy Seal Jocko Willink explains how he would handle the Afghanistan situation if he were president.
Fuck the taliban and if I were Joe Biden that’s what I would say on TV. Fuck you and if you interfere, kidnap, harm, or kill an American or civilian while we are here your little marching parades will turn into a blood bath. We will crush you.
Oh Joe Biden is a pussy though.
Why isn't our military unleashed to run armored convoys with air cover and drone reconnaissance to retrieve our countrymen?
This may jab a few here the wrong way but anyone who didn’t see this and other still pending cluster fucks coming is def, dumb or blind. Anyone who preferred this asshat over DJT is like China….asshole
Don't mistake malevolence for incompetence.I think this is precisely why we're upset. We're just a bunch of knuckleheads on the internet. We're not generals or politicians but we (99.99%) of us saw this coming a mile away and we can't understand how our leadership is so incompetent.
Like a politician they blow with the wind directionDon't mistake malevolence for incompetence.
The Afghan army didn't fold like a cheap suit because they suck at defending their country. They folded because they *wanted* the Taliban running things.
We have a ground base in Uzbekistan.
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Country run by a corrupt despot, so the Democrats should be able to work with him.
Oh I’m sure of that. I’m sure it will get worse.There are stories leaking out that (shockingly who would have guessed) but the Taliban has in fact been harassing and harming americans trying to get to the airport.
No safe passage....
There was a time when we could have mustered 1000 B52s in a single bombing formation.Oh I’m sure of that. I’m sure it will get worse.
The Taliban should have no safe passage. The taliban should be running in fear and not us. Blackhawks, A-10 gun ships and bombers should be doing what we designed them to do and killing these scumbags day and night relentlessly. Instead they match the streets like the own the place because they do. Our president is a pussy and they know it.
Caved just like a pussy would. Maybe the Taliban would like our service men/woman to wash and wax the Humvees before they leave too.
So the Americans that they can't round up for evacuation are just an afterthought? This is when some old school field commander steps up and says, No way Jose!!!! I wonder if there are any left.
So the Americans that they can't round up for evacuation are just an afterthought? This is when some old school field commander steps up and says, No way Jose!!!! I wonder if there are any left.
6-1/2 minutes were Joe trying to know, the thing.Joe Biden Afghanistan Coordination Call With G7 Leaders Lasted a Total of Seven Minutes
It’s all a pantomime folks. According to BBC News reporting on the Joe Biden teleconference call with G7 leaders, the sum total of the call lasted seven minutes.
Think about that. With so much at stake and so much to be discussed and coordinated within the emergency situation in Afghanistan, the discussion between Joe Biden and the allied leaders of the U.K, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Japan, lasted only seven minutes:
Joe Biden Afghanistan Coordination Call With G7 Leaders Lasted a Total of Seven Minutes - The Last Refuge
It's all a pantomime folks. According to BBC News reporting the Biden teleconference call with G7 leaders, the sum total of the call lasted seven
Watch the terrorists mortar the runway on 8/31.
We've got no other air base in the area for large fixed wing aircraft.
They'll also start using our stinger missiles against our helicopters, pin down our forces, and get a grand propaganda coup as they attack our penned-in forces at the airport.
If they provoke our forces to return fire, there will be massive civilian casualties. That gives the terrorists an even greater propaganda victory.
Our ability to bring in aircraft to Kabul ends at any time the Taliban chooses. There is no other base within easy flying range from which aircraft could operate. In fact, the next nearest base is Incirclik, Turkey, almost a 2,000 mile flight each way. Very unsuitable for keeping assets in the air, even if they can come in and refuel on the way the time over target is nil. Recycle time (return to base, rearm, refuel, return) is now stretching to 8 hours, too long for more than 1 sortie per crew per day. Carrier based forces are also not an option because Indian and Pakistan will not allow overflights.
And as Phazer said, mortar attacks and small arms will be very effective at denying the use of the airfields.
And worth mentioning about the AC-130 specifically is it can only operate at night and is vulnerable to small arms fire and MANPADS.
We are headed for a Dien Bien Phu scenario, especially since with Biden's indecisiveness means he is unlikely to withdraw our ground forces in advance of the deadline.
And we would need to invade again and secure another airfield that we just gave up...
I'm surprised the withdrawal didn't leave a presence like in Cuba, for stability purposes and for base operations, intelligence... etc.
Again, all because the spineless jellyfish wet noodle empty suit career politician that's now in charge... We know, we know...
That's a good thing.Joe Biden Afghanistan Coordination Call With G7 Leaders Lasted a Total of Seven Minutes
It’s all a pantomime folks. According to BBC News reporting on the Joe Biden teleconference call with G7 leaders, the sum total of the call lasted seven minutes.
Think about that. With so much at stake and so much to be discussed and coordinated within the emergency situation in Afghanistan, the discussion between Joe Biden and the allied leaders of the U.K, Germany, France, Italy, Canada and Japan, lasted only seven minutes:
Joe Biden Afghanistan Coordination Call With G7 Leaders Lasted a Total of Seven Minutes - The Last Refuge
It's all a pantomime folks. According to BBC News reporting the Biden teleconference call with G7 leaders, the sum total of the call lasted seven
Like a politician they blow with the wind direction
In 5 days you will see the biggest cluster fuck of our lifetime. What are the predictions of future events...I was recently reading about the British adventures in Afghanistan, and this bit triggered some serious Deja Vu....
I think Elphy's reign as the guy blowing the greatest military advantage in history is now at an end....
Afghanistan really is the graveyard of empires.
- Elphinstone's Defeat in the First Anglo-Afghan War was, and arguably is to this day, the worst disaster in British military history. After abandoning a fortified position in Kabul, General William George Keith Elphinstone decided to march his 4,500 men to the garrison of Jalalabad. 90 miles away. In winter. With some 12,000 civilians in tow. The outcome should surprise nobody. Flashman says it best: