.950 JDJ
Agree with you here and many will defend a LGS. The transfer prices are nuts. Some shops by me want $75 for transfer. Well you can’t have it both ways. Either price your guns reasonably or have reasonable transfers.The worst part is, no one is going to stop the tyranny. NO ONE! We had an EO from the current POTUS that isn't worth the paper it was printed on, courts don't give a shit and side with these illegal laws, just further etching that the corruption isn't just in NY, it goes higher up.
There will be no uprising or revolution. If that were going to happen, it would have already. If they are to come knocking, it's not going to be your local LOE's or even the state guys, it's going to be a military squad going house to house telling us to give them up or else. Imagine opening the door to 12 or so solders with full armament on the other side ordering you to comply. Or, not answering the door and them doing a breech. For those with the money, you can leave, but the reality is most of us may not have that luxury.
People also need to think about this, every store you buy from has a database on every item you have bought there. Even with cash, a gun store has a file on you. You have to show your driver's license to buy a firearm, and from there the file is created. Ever since things went electronic, you have been recorded. There's a chain of shops in the capital district owned by the same guy. If you buy something at store A, store D also knows what you bought. Cash or not. So the database was already there for any purchase you need to show ID for. BUT the ammo checks are a full blown registry, which is illegal, and no ones even batted an eye or lifted a finger to stop it. Oh, it was deemed that the social media account stuff was an invasion of privacy and removed, and a judge did rule that where one can't carry was unconstitutional, but no one has even touched on removing the laws creating a registry.
I know this isn't well liked, but I have no remorse anymore about not buying ammo from my local shops. They are reaping the rewards of our misery with hugely jacked up prices for classes and transfers. $100 for 5 minutes of work to make a transfer? $500 for a pistol class? $100-200 for an AR15 safety class that's not even mandated, but I know of at least 6 gun ranges that will not allow you to use an AR15 anymore unless you take their safety class. So one can spin it anyway they like, but gun stores and some shooting ranges are cleaning up on these laws. Hard to think someone is on my side if they are OK with bad laws and use those bad laws to take advantage of customers.
As for buying ammo at a LGS i won’t do it regardless of price because the required background check. I’m against it and I simply won’t do it. I have enough stock on hand and I travel enough I’ll buy it out of state.