.357 mag
Here is a link to the Breitbart article on SAGA. Take a minute to email Claudia Tenney and Nick Langworthy to thank them for introducing this important bill at the beginning of this historic MAGA session. Imagine where we would be if Paul Ryan was not a RINO and had worked the MAGA agenda at the beginning of the Congressional session in 2017. This is a brilliant end run around the courts and the the States to force States to abide by Federal Pre-emption and norms that are recognized in the majority of the nation. I'm looking for nationwide CCW reciprocity next. Any right with Constitutional protection and guarantee should not be restricted at the state level. States don't get to determine the voting age, that is handled at the Federal level. Strike while the iron is hot!

GOP Rep. Pushes Bill Prohibiting State Bans on Certain Rifles, Shotguns
Rep. Claudia Tenney introduced legislation that would prevent states from banning rifles or shotguns that are legal federally.

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