Why are people who hurt themselves demonized?Who honestly gives a shit what they do as long as they're not hurting anyone?
So you're going to invalidate a portion of the group based on the acts of a minority of a group?
Gee, that's like saying "because one guy legally bought a gun and hurt someone, all gun owners deserve to be regulated to the hilt."
Also, it's not like non-transgendered people don't go out and hurt others in restrooms either.
As long as they're natural women who look like they should be bunnies, I need a membership to that range.If you open the door where will it end? First it's the bathrooms then next thing you know you'll have gun nuts dressing up like Playboy Bunnies.
I’m not saying kill them but parachutes are too expensive. They are their citizens and they cannot refuse to take them back. If they do we stop all aide and trading with the country. These countries should be paying us for the return trip. Columbia caved pretty quickly. We need to work on minimizing costs both human and financial with this or this could go wrong.Yup, came here to say this. Don't want to accept your illegal immigrants back? Air drop 'em.
Now this is a great move Mr. President. I love this.Who's ready for some Monday morning winning???
From Micheal Yon:
Invasion -- our Burning Edge Team has been to all of these placesAnd far more...and this is what is REALLY happening
The Colombian and other local cartels are NOT causing this. They are merely tools and beneficiaries along the way. Such as are all the airlines who KNOWINGLY fly the invaders from and to Airports in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas, to reach these places. Yet people say, “It’s the cartels!” Nonsense. It’s the NGOs such as United Nations, and their funders, such as UNITED STATES. And World Economic Forum members of many ilks. Those. Are. The. Problem. Without United Nations and other associates including other NGOs, practically none of these invaders would make it to Colombia or Panama or Netherlands or Germany or Canada. We either close and actively dismantle the NGOs such as United Nations. Or we lose. And America collapses. And China and others win. It’s that simple. The litmus is simple. Today is 26 January 2025. I have seen no move to disassemble United Nations. United Nations is busy disassembling United States, the West, Japan, Thailand, and many more. But not China. Not Russia. Just us. We have been to every place in Todd Bensman’s video. And hundreds more. Our Burning Edge team knows this battlefield as well as anyone on Earth. DISMANTLE UNITED NATIONS Or Die |
Google "gun bunnies".As long as they're natural women who look like they should be bunnies, I need a membership to that range.
Just load them on an LCAC and shove them out on some beach.I’m not saying kill them but parachutes are too expensive. They are their citizens and they cannot refuse to take them back. If they do we stop all aide and trading with the country. These countries should be paying us for the return trip. Columbia caved pretty quickly. We need to work on minimizing costs both human and financial with this or this could go wrong.
That’s a good option.Just load them on an LCAC and shove them out on some beach.
Marines can get some training in the process.
I'm not saying anyone should be in anyone's face or flamboyant. I find it annoying.
I don't care if they want to live their lives and call themselves what they want. But it do believe in their right to do so.
And that is where I depart with many people on this forum.
If you wake up every morning, scratch your balls and in your brain say to yourself "yup, I'm a woman", you have mental issues. You have a severe disconnection from reality. These are far from desirable traits for a military.This is one area I will break rank and disagree with severely. It's the one area I disagree totally with Trump on, pandering to his base and setting back transgender rights.
I don't think trans people should be treated in a special manner or artificially glorified, but I don't see the point in persecution of them either. The passport thing especially was totally done out of spite and serves no practical purpose.
The military is a little more gray area and the devil would be in the details of their role and purely whether they can meet the standard for combat or not. Outside of that definition, I don't see the point.
Man do I HATE the MSM. BTW, why didn't JD giggle?
President Donald Trump is pissing on everyone's legs that's not MAGA.
I should probably see a doctor because I've had a MAGA boner since Jan 20... No Homo.
Orange Man Good is alpha as fuck. He's the leader of the pack.
He. Is. Make America Great Again.
America is so fortunate that President Trump wasn't assassinated in either one of the attempts.
Butler PA was a scary one. I still remember walking into the shop and hearing about the assassination attempt on the radio as it was happening. I was like, WTF is going on? Ho Lee Fuk!
Anyway. Orange Man Good, Literally NOT Hitler. lol