.338 Win Mag
Disorders are not necessarily illnesses. Would you say a child with ADHD is mentally ill? No. It's a learning disability. There's a difference between a disorder and an illness. Even the ADA recognizes that, officially.Transgender is a mental disorder, they shouldnt have any special "rights". You are born a man and want to play pretend female? You should be ready for the abuse and all the short comings that go along with your decision. We should not be forced to play along with your delusion and be forced to call you by your chosen pronoun. You are a biological man, I will refer to you as mister, he, him. Period.
I also never said they deserved "special" rights. They deserve the same rights as anyone else.
No one should be ready for any abuse, period. Left or right. To say anyone should be "ready" for it is horrible.
You can think what you want about trans people. That's your right. But don't think you're allowed to intrude into their personal lives and start telling them how they should classify themselves. You have no right to dictate their lives, only your own.