.308 Win
I don’t see what the big deal is - just the anchor trying to roll to the next segment? Or are we complaining ABC didn’t give enough airtime to Jay Sekulow?
My wife seems to have the same habit...He started off as "bimbo eruption" manager for Bill Clinton. He also has an annoying habit of getting in the last word and quickly changing the subject, not letting the person he is speaking with to respond.
I am reading that team Trump came in like a Ronco veg-o-matic ... slicing and dicing ... Destroying the liberal fake talking points
Mitt Romney is asshole!Verified account @JoshNBCNews 2h2 hours ago
Just in -@MittRomney: "I think it's very likely I'll be in favor of witnesses, but I haven’t made a decision finally yet and I won’t until both side’s opening arguments are done.”
10:40 AM - 25 Jan 2020
Fucking Christ, did Schiff actually think that wouldn't come back to haunt him? I mean is he that arrogant? More over, I don't know what to be more surprised by, Schiff's reaction to his own, very well documented, fake transcript of Trump's call being used as evidence against him or Barrasso's reaction to the video of Schiff's made up transcript, like he hadn't been watching the news for the past year. Is that really the first he's heard of it?
‘Blood Drained From Adam Schiff’s Face’: John Barrasso Says Schiff’s ‘Parody’ Backfired
John Barrasso said that House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff turned pale when President Trump's defense team played video of his Ukraine calldailycaller.com
The sad part of this is there are people that believe this is Truly what the transcript says.Purpura Knocks Schiff For Making Up False Transcript In Impeachment Hearing
The Democratic House Managers’ hypocrisy is on full display: they’ve spent most of their time lecturing the Senate on aid to Ukraine, yet four of them voted AGAINST legislation that provided the very same aid they’re lecturing us on.
— Joni Ernst (@SenJoniErnst) January 24, 2020
And funny that 4 of the managers…actually voted NO, in giving aide to Ukraine…Hear Joni Ernst. pic.twitter.com/a0VegeeTW0
— Kris⛳️(@Raddmom) January 24, 2020
Half the country thinks Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house too.The sad part of this is there are people that believe this is Truly what the transcript says.