20×102mm Vulcan
She has moved in with another sister in N, Carolina. That sister and husband live in a home that is twice as large as they need. My mother (96 years young ) is living with a different sister 40 minutes away .. Because of Covid there will be no nursing or retirement home for her as long as things allow. Mother is happy Her 3 daughters are close by... ... So it is half working out for the good. Some folks are not so lucky. .. as we said before Unless you are upper income (say 100,000 ) in the area where my sister lived one is hard put to find reasonable residence ... Just to rent.Oh without a doubt it's a cascading series of events. I also believe there will be a black swan that'll get the blame but really it'll just be the straw that broke the camel's back.
I have empathy for your sister and others in search of housing (I'm in a bit of a similar bind). We all laughed at the guy who said "The rent is too damn high" but maybe we should've listened to him. Not sure his solutions passed muster but he certainly identified the problem (which itself is imo is another symptom of the growing wealth divide in this country).