Kathy Huchol claims crime is a right wing conspiracy.
Hochul and Adams claim no one needs a gun because we have the highest paid, fastest responding and largest contingent of cops to protect us.
Slick Willy....."...we do have too much inflation and we do have too much crime. Covid did weird things to people all over the country"
"Joe Biden was born in 1942. The man he claims to have spoken to died in 1941. That's how bad Biden's lies have gotten. You have to see this..."
politician .. professional liars ...
I'm assuming your question is rhetorical, you know the answer....He just recently said his son beau died in Iraq.
The problem?
He did not.
Wtf. You can't keep your lies straight you forget truth or are you that senile?
Biden again wrongly says son Beau died in Iraq in stumbling Florida speech
“I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.”nypost.com
He's so mentally incompetent that he cant remember where his son died and embellished his story too
Wtf why aren't reporters all over him questioning his mental acuity
He also said he had 81 million votes!He just recently said his son beau died in Iraq.
The problem?
He did not.
Wtf. You can't keep your lies straight you forget truth or are you that senile?
Biden again wrongly says son Beau died in Iraq in stumbling Florida speech
“I’m thinking about Iraq because that’s where my son died.”nypost.com
He's so mentally incompetent that he cant remember where his son died and embellished his story too
Wtf why aren't reporters all over him questioning his mental acuity
I wouldn't say that this is a reminder that the police aren't required to help you but that there are some police that are there just to collect a check and have no business wearing the uniform. The dude getting his shit pushed in had to wait for the real police to get there. Absolutely pathetic display.Kathy Huchol claims crime is a right wing conspiracy.
Hochul and Adams claim no one needs a gun because we have the highest paid, fastest responding and largest contingent of cops to protect us.
This guy has access to the nuke codes"Joe Biden was born in 1942. The man he claims to have spoken to died in 1941. That's how bad Biden's lies have gotten. You have to see this..."
politician .. professional liars ...
So are some of these cops just fucking retarted? They know they are being recorded. They are wearing the camera. At no time does a lightbulb go off and they think wait, I’m being an asshole and this isn’t going to play out well for me.Here is a good one. Nope, I do not need any more information than this video. She is garbage and her SGT is even worse. I hope this man gets far more than an apology. She cannot even put cuffs on properly.
Should have taken the cuffs off, said, sorry and be on their way. Both are absolute garbage,
So are some of these cops just fucking retarted? They know they are being recorded. They are wearing the camera. At no time does a lightbulb go off and they think wait, I’m being an asshole and this isn’t going to play out well for me.
She displays the classic God Complex that so many in law enforcement seem to have. Once she started, there was no way she was going to give up. I don't think she ever considered that what she was doing or how she was doing it was wrong. Unfortunately, the second guy was in lock step with her. I really wish the video kept going once the unmarked car showed up. I want to know what happened with that guy.These tow make me sick. Asking about the mans disability, putting him in hand irons, incorrectly. Arresting him. All of it was wrong. Her smartass comments about being a tyrant? Give me a fucking break.
Both should be charged under 18 USC 242. He should sue the fucking piss out of them and the department.
So many put on the uniform each and everyday to serve the people, these two have forgotten that and should be charged and no longer employed.
This could have gone so much better. Make the stop if she really thinks it was needed. Introduce herself and explain the reason for the stop. As soon as it was a non gun verified, make a bit light of it and tell him to enjoy the rest of his day. Apologize for her misunderstanding.
Too many people have too much ego to admit a mistake.These tow make me sick. Asking about the mans disability, putting him in hand irons, incorrectly. Arresting him. All of it was wrong. Her smartass comments about being a tyrant? Give me a fucking break.
Both should be charged under 18 USC 242. He should sue the fucking piss out of them and the department.
So many put on the uniform each and everyday to serve the people, these two have forgotten that and should be charged and no longer employed.
This could have gone so much better. Make the stop if she really thinks it was needed. Introduce herself and explain the reason for the stop. As soon as it was a non gun verified, make a bit light of it and tell him to enjoy the rest of his day. Apologize for her misunderstanding.
Right after the election .... Not before... Same as the loan forgiveness program.... That decision was right after the election also.