How crazy is our country? So crazy that an award winning, openly gay teacher was suspended because he complained his school promoted transgenderism. His statement to the board of education was cut off and the audience broke out in applause.
What were his offending comments? They were:
Two plus two equals four. The world is not flat. Boys have penises; girls have vaginas. Gender is binary and cannot be changed. Biology is not bigotry. Heterosexuality is not hate. Gender confusion and gender delusion are deep psychological disorders. No caring professional or loving parent would ever support the chemical poisoning or surgical mutilation of a child’s genitalia.
Transgender ideology is anti-gay, it is anti-woman, and it is anti-human. It wants to take away women’s sports, women’s rights, women’s achievements—it is misogyny writ large.
And I can also say this as a gay man, the gay people …
At this point, someone muted Shelton’s microphone and a board member informed the teacher that his time was up. Applause broke out from the audience.
There ain't no offramps on the freeway to hell!
EXCLUSIVE: Award-Winning Gay Teacher Suspended for Speaking Out Against Transgenderism
Veteran teacher Ray Shelton was accused of being a "Nazi" and using "hate speech" for speaking out against transgenderism by GUSD