But if I ran into you in a traffic stop for some infraction for example in your neighborhood and we didn't know each other, you wouldn't be my friend now would you.
But see this here is the problem with your premise. Policing today has changed a lot, you're right about that. We're specialized now. All departments do this except the smallest of the small. I don't conduct car stops. I legitimately do not know how to write a summons in NYC anymore because the system has changed to all digital since I last did stuff like that.
That's just me for an example, but there are plenty of others. We have neighborhood coordination officers whose entire job is driven by community complaints. The only enforcement activity they undertake is directly related to complaints from people in their sector, IE, victims. How is a cop enforcing laws against perps directly in response to community complaints not a "friend" of those citizens who've called up them specifically to address those conditions?
You paint this picture that has all cops driving around in cars eagle eyed looking for spurious examples of traffic violations, maybe trying to a search, or as part of crack teams of warrant executors out there busting down doors to shoot helpless dogs. That's not reality anymore (pretty much never was actually). And to make matters worse, the 50 years ago hero cop you mention definitely violated more rights than any modern cop could ever imagine whether they wanted to or not.
I'm sure we could hang out btw. You're not a troll like others. We just differ in opinion.