.700 Nitro Express
You guys don't seem to understand.That has absolutely nothing to do with a national threat on your border.
The fact that you cant grasp the strategic value of Ukraine explains why you dont know anything about the present conflict from a military perspective. This statement is completely wrong . Secondly, You prove my point that a Massively unbalanced military in NATO's favor on the border with Russia IS A DIRECT THREAT to the national security of Russia .
Cuba's military was not a direct threat to the US until it allowed Russian nukes to be installed . Then it was a big problem. It wasnt the fact that they were allied with the Warsaw pact that made them a threat. It was because of the strategic location of Russian nuclear weapons . It had nothing to do with the size of Cubas military added to the Warsaw pact. They were already a part of the Warsaw pact.
Of course NATO missiles , and large military bases were not installed in Ukraine at the time the war broke out, but that was the goal of NATO. The whole point of NATO allowing/pushing Ukraine into NATO was to put pressure on Russia. Every NATO country has missiles pointed toward Russia and NATO troops stationed there. Would be no different with Ukraine.
Once Ukraine joined NATO The Russians could not stop it from happening , they were forced to act before Ukraine was a NATO member .Once Ukraine was part of NATO the Russians were fucked. It was now or never.
Putin said just as much the other day. And again, you point out NATOS ability to crush Russia while ""not being a threat to Russia""demonstrates a direct threat to Russia in it self. You just proved Putins point.
Your opinion that NATO bases, and missiles on Russia's border make no difference and are no threat to Russia is ridiculous and demonstrates that you dont understand military affairs . I cant argue with it. its a non starter. You cant even recognize this obvious and simple fact.
During the Cuban missile crisis, the US saw the Russian bases and missiles as a direct threat to is national security and acted to protect itself . The hypocrisy and arrogance that only the US can act in its own best national security interests is laughable . If the US was justified to take action against Cuba to protect its national security then that same concept can and should be applied to Russia.
The last 2 times Russia was invaded , it was invaded from the West. Napoleon, actually captured Moscow . The last time was less than 100 years ago and killed 20 million Russians and destroyed its citys . Now the west is attempting to put armies on its borders and you think they are paranoid? you think they are fools? After breaking promise after promise not to expand east , they are to be trusted? Ask the American Indian about the promises the US made to them. They are not worth the paper they are printed on
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych who was against joining NATO was over thrown by the CIA backed Maidan "'color "" revolution in 2014 and was replaced by president Oleksandr Turchynov who immediately saw Russia as a threat and wanted to join NATO. In 2014 the West began arming and training Ukraine .
The Russian language was banned.
Russian citizens not allowed to vote.
West arming the Ukraine.
Ukraine wants to join NATO sees Russia as a threat.
KYIV -- Russian voters in Ukraine were blocked from casting their ballots in Russia's presidential election on March 18, as Ukrainian authorities stepped up security outside diplomatic facilitates and nationalists staged anti-Moscow protests.
Russians In Ukraine Blocked From Voting In Presidential Election
Russian voters in Ukraine were blocked from casting their ballots in Russia's presidential election on March 18, as Ukrainian authorities stepped up security outside diplomatic facilitates and nationalists staged anti-Moscow
Georgia joining NATO?
What in Gods name was Putin supposed to think?
The bigger picture is that Russia is not under the control of globalists and bankers . they wont go along with the program. they are a thorn in the side of the elitists who want to control Russian markets . Russia is an independent nation that makes its own decisions based on its own policys . it doesnt take orders from the world economic forum, or the world health organization .and any other bullshit globalist bullshit organizations .
The wests plan was to destroy the Russian economy break her up into several regions while avoiding a nuclear war . It didn't work .
It doesn't matter if NATO is 200 miles from Moscow or 2000. Russia is done almost immediately in any conflict.
The fact that Putin thinks it matters if Ukraine is NATO or they become another puppet like Belarus is the problem, because it doesn't matter at all.
Imagine you're locked in a room with an 800lb gorilla and a chimpanzee. Do you attack the chimpanzee if it starts getting friendly with the gorilla ?