Still waiting for an answer to the question. How many nukes can Putin use before the US responds?You really need to do your homework .your knowledge of history gives yourself away
Still waiting for an answer to the question. How many nukes can Putin use before the US responds?You really need to do your homework .your knowledge of history gives yourself away
Yes they did, long before their actual invasion.Russia did not start thus war/conflict.
Yes they did, long before their actual invasion.
Still waiting for an answer to the question. How many nukes can Putin use before the US responds?
Wouldn't that mean the war started when rebels in Donbass started a civil war ?The war started when Kiev government sent troops to suppress break away Donbas regions. Kiev government even gave it a name, ATO (anti terrorist operation).
Wouldn't that mean the war started when rebels in Donbass started a civil war ?
When was the US Civil War started ? Was it at Ft Sumpter, or was it when the first English built warships were delivered to the confederacy ?
So, Ukraine invaded Ukraine, and that started a war with Russia ?Rebels declared Independence and took over local government. War started when Kiev sent troops.
So, Ukraine invaded Ukraine, and that started a war with Russia ?
Interesting take.
What do you think Putin will do about the NATO offer here ?
Zelenskyy says NATO offer for Ukraine-controlled territory could end 'hot stage' of war
An offer of NATO membership to territory under Kyiv’s control would end “the hot stage of the war” in Ukraine, but any proposal to join the military alliance should be extended to all parts of the country that fall under internationally recognized borders, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in
LoL, good luck finding a neutral country.Regardless of Russia's demands and conditions, the war in Ukraine was already going on when Russia invaded. This doesn't parallel WWII attacks and invasions by axis.
NATO is part of a problem, it can't be a part of the solution. Any peace deal should be mediated by a neutral country. In the end the winning side will set the terms.
You mean the Russian fueled insurgency in Donbas which is, well was, inside the agreed upon boundaries within the sovereign state of Ukraine.The war started when Kiev government sent troops to suppress break away Donbas regions. Kiev government even gave it a name, ATO (anti terrorist operation).
LoL, good luck finding a neutral country.
No, I was more interested in what you think Putin's reaction would be if NATO follows through with their idea to accept all the currenyly unoccupied Ukranian territory into NATO.
Would Putin still strike into that territory ?
Then Ukraine gets to yell "Article V" and NATO has the pretext to conduct airstrikes on all the invading troops.Yes.
Then Ukraine gets to yell "Article V" and NATO has the pretext to conduct airstrikes on all the invading troops.
Might not be a great plan for him.
But, he seems to have a pattern of that with Ukraine.
Then Ukraine gets to yell "Article V" and NATO has the pretext to conduct airstrikes on all the invading troops.
Might not be a great plan for him.
But, he seems to have a pattern of that with Ukraine.
No, it says that they will send whatever aid they believe is appropriate. Whether that's 10,000 sorties with F35s, or a case of MREs is up to the sending nations.Just remember, Article V does not say that other Nations have to come to the rescue.
LoL, no they won't.Russians will neutralize air bases with Oreshniks if they will be used to attack Russian troops.
And an oil embargo against a country that has already attacked half their neighbors isn't an act if war.
LoL, no they won't.
The first Oreshnik that NATO has to shoot down will be the end of all Oreshnik's within range of Russia's eastern border.
So, suddenly CNN and MSNBC are credible determiners of "who is a NAZI" ?
Pretty sure they would slap that label on 95% of the posters here.
14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS | ||||||||
14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS 14-та гренадерська дивізія СС
What do you think Putin will do about the NATO offer here ?
Zelenskyy says NATO offer for Ukraine-controlled territory could end 'hot stage' of war
An offer of NATO membership to territory under Kyiv’s control would end “the hot stage of the war” in Ukraine, but any proposal to join the military alliance should be extended to all parts of the country that fall under internationally recognized borders, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in
Still waiting for an answer to the question. How many nukes can Putin use before the US responds?
Or, and I'm just spitballing here, Japan could have minded their own business and *not* attacked their neighbors, and they wouldn't have gotten the sun dropped on them twice.Well did you ask them? You really think the Imperial Japaneese Navy was going to allow it?? LOL, Hell fuck no they werent going to stand for it . The country required oil , On who's authority was the embargo Justified? Did you ever hear of thing called provocation?
"Provocation of war" :
an intentional act or series of actions designed to incite or provoke another nation into starting a war, often by creating a perceived threat or grievance, sometimes through deceptive tactics, to justify a preemptive strike or retaliatory action; essentially, deliberately instigating conflict through aggressive behavior or rhetoric.
The Japaneese were taking over all of the Europeans provinces in the pacific British , French, Spanish that was one of the reasons the war began . The oil embargo was a provocation used for the US to enter the war. Japan knew the might of the American military, and her only chance was to destroy the fleet at Pearl harbor, and hopefully they would be to bogged down with the war in Europe and Jan could later negotiate a deal.
In any case, NATO exspansion into Ukriane was a provocation by the west With the intention of destroying the entire Russian economy and a break up of Russia into sepreate countries , Ukraine was just a means to an end.
I don't think the US would nuke Russia unless Russia nuked US territory or troops first.On what grounds would the US attack Russia with Nukes ? Assuming They hit Ukraine already? whats your justification for global nuclear war? We have no alliances with Ukraine as Im sure you know. wheres the causus belli for war with Russia?
and would you do it to Isreal if they attacked Iran with Nukes?
I dont see the justification for war here. If they London or Paris , I get it we may be obliged , We have no obligation to Ukraine.
So, what would or even could Russia *do* about it ?What would you do? They openly admitted the Maidan agreement was a ruse to buy time to arm Ukraine. They said they would not seek further expansion and they did . any agreement isnt worth the paper its printed on . The credibility of the west has been compromised . Making a deal with liars who want to destroy your country, So they can move NATO troops into western ukraine (for humanitarian purposes of course) and rearm her ?
From the link:
“You can’t give an invitation to just one part of a country," Zelenskyy said in an excerpt of the interview with Sky News. "Why? Because thus you would recognize that Ukraine is only that territory of Ukraine and the other one is Russia.”
Under the Ukrainian Constitution, Ukraine can't recognize territory occupied by Russia as Russian.
So Russia gets to keep what they already have, then has to allow NATO into western ukraine which is why the war began in the first place
Im going to go out on limb here and say, Neyt, Not even a consideration.
You do know nearly all ballistic missiles are hypersonic, right ?You do know those are hypersonic and cant be shot down right?
Russia had no right to invade Ukraine, whether that agreement was in place or not.What would you do? They openly admitted the Maidan agreement was a ruse to buy time to arm Ukraine. They said they would not seek further expansion and they did . any agreement isnt worth the paper its printed on . The credibility of the west has been compromised . Making a deal with liars who want to destroy your country, So they can move NATO troops into western ukraine (for humanitarian purposes of course) and rearm her ?
From the link:
“You can’t give an invitation to just one part of a country," Zelenskyy said in an excerpt of the interview with Sky News. "Why? Because thus you would recognize that Ukraine is only that territory of Ukraine and the other one is Russia.”
Under the Ukrainian Constitution, Ukraine can't recognize territory occupied by Russia as Russian.
So Russia gets to keep what they already have, then has to allow NATO into western ukraine which is why the war began in the first place
Im going to go out on limb here and say, Neyt, Not even a consideration.
Scuds could barely get past mach4. Russia's new missiles are in excess of Mach 10.You do know nearly all ballistic missiles are hypersonic, right ?
Including the SCUDs we were shooting down with Patriots 30 years ago.
The THAAD is basically only used on hypersonic weapons.
We shoot down sattelites. Do you know how fast a satellite is traveling?
I'll give you a hint, it's almost 3x as fast as the Oreshnik.
"Hypersonic" doesn't mean can't be shot down anywhere but Russian and Chinese propaganda.
Russia invaded on the grounds of national security. we went into Iraq and afganistan on the grounds of national security. WMD'sRussia had no right to invade Ukraine, whether that agreement was in place or not.
What were the terms again ?