.450/400 Nitro Ex
Gold is up 23 dollars already, Bit coin still down, but I imagine it will go up too
Gold is a bad investment but bitcoin is a horrible one in the long term.
Gold is up 23 dollars already, Bit coin still down, but I imagine it will go up too
One would think if a Plane this size went down, there would be 1000's of pictures....
It was said to be destroyed at the antonov factory airport that it's based out of
Just wondering where the pictures are? The evidence, not just typed words.
This is what I am referring to with the Fake news, the propaganda.
This is allegedly the bombed hanger with the airplane wreckage.
Photo seems to Show that the Antonov An-225 Mriya, the largest plane ever built, has been Destroyed (Updated) - The Aviation Geek Club
Photo seems to Show that the Antonov AN-225 Mriya, the largest plane ever built, has been
Can't tell for sure in the picture but it likely is it.
These aviation nerds aren't wrong. They have people constantly tracking the flight plans of the an225 they likely know it was there and that was it's usual hanger. Whatever was in that bombed hanger is a very large airplane which means it's either an AN124 or more likely the world's only AN225
Or the images they are showing us for that matter. So much can be cgi fakes that are convincing. The tech is there and I have little doubt it gets used from time to time.cannot trust what we are being told.
The Antonov An-225 Mriya, the world’s largest aircraft might have become a casualty of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Might? This cannot be confirmed? This is why I cannot trust what we are being told.
Patton was right. Why we stopped at Berlin during WWII?
Three quarters of a century worth of misery could have been avoided.
View attachment 148952
Dick Morris was on tv today saying the azov brigade were the descendants of WW2 vets who sided with Germany because Stalin had starved the population to death.
Interesting if nothing else.
How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine
Gold is not an investment , its protection against a falling currency. Holding on to Rubles is a worse plan, Who do you think is buying? The Ruble lost 40% to the dollar of Friday, it lost 20% on market open today , Ya think they should hold on to it until the Ruble goes up?Gold is a bad investment but bitcoin is a horrible one in the long term.
The Ukrainian President...
February 27, 2022 7:04 pm
Hillary Clinton signaled the next move. She called for us to commence cyber warfare against Russia. What that means is that the globalists here are going to use that as a false flag to take down our power grid then blame it on the Russians. Many more will die. They do not care.
They will then declare marshal law. That is what they are after. Covid did not work to take total control. They are not looking to push this down the road, they are looking to end us. They will use it to get mail in ballots for the upcoming election
Sunday Talks, Psaki Gives Away the Ukraine Game - Russia Is Needed As Fall Guy for Biden Energy Policy and Economic Damage - The Last Refuge
During an ABC interview today, White House Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki gave away the game for the Biden Administration’s intent on exploiting the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Keep in mind, as the Biden team were getting pummeled for negative economic outcomes, massive inflation, skyrocketing
Um... wouldn't this just make it easier to actually conquer the country? Why would they agree to it?
You're assuming the purpose is to conquer the country. Putin keeps offering talks and Zelensky has turned them down. Maybe peace talks won't occur until enough of "them" are taken out.Um... wouldn't this just make it easier to actually conquer the country? Why would they agree to it?
Selling Iraqi Dinar!Gold is not an investment , its protection against a falling currency. Holding on to Rubles is a worse plan, Who do you think is buying? The Ruble lost 40% to the dollar of Friday, it lost 20% on market open today , Ya think they should hold on to it until the Ruble goes up?