.338 Win Mag
Looks like they were just passing by. With all the stalled vehicles and no food, Russians decided to have a quick game of 'Capture the Reactor' to occupy themselves while they were waiting for resupply. Once dinner arrives, they will forget all about it and resume playing 'Your Mother(land) is so...'.
This is nothing more than the equivalent of neighbors disagreeing over a tree on the property line between Steven Seagal and the Kardashians house, and being reported on Tik Tok by Will Ferrell. Only problem is that gay kid that had a meltdown on youtube years ago, over Brittany Spears or something, is running our government today.

This is nothing more than the equivalent of neighbors disagreeing over a tree on the property line between Steven Seagal and the Kardashians house, and being reported on Tik Tok by Will Ferrell. Only problem is that gay kid that had a meltdown on youtube years ago, over Brittany Spears or something, is running our government today.