.450/400 Nitro Ex
He hits the nail on the head in his video. We need to get back to fighting and letter writing. I know I started the other thread about contacting the NRA and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, but we really do need to get onboard emailing.
Now what we need to do is we need a list of all the current Representatives for New York State. Does anybody want to step up and volunteer in compiling a list of all the current Representatives for this state? We know our two senators Fort Worth spit, but we might as well email them anyway.
Every week we need somebody to draft up a basic and quick email heading on National reciprocity and maybe one or two other important Second Amendment issues. They need to be short and to the point. And every week we need everybody to basically copy and paste and send out these emails.
If nobody else has the ability to quickly put together a list of all of the New York State Congressional Representatives then I will try to do it before the end of the week comma but just imagine if every week there are several hundred of us sending emails to these people. They will get the message.
Also please keep in mind I just did this entire thread using voice to text so don't mind any grammatical errors.