Nah, nothing about John Wick. All12.5" Recce? Methinks someone's been watching too much John Wick. 16" or bust I says!
Incidentally I watched John Wick with my brother a few months ago. He isn't into guns at all but said that AR he had looked really fancy. I say I have one even better than that and looks askance at me sonI show him a pic of my DD Recce and all he has to say is-
"........Why's it green?"
"Why is your bass blue?"
"I like blue"
"Well I like fuckin' green, Jesus! Why you gotta be be such a buzzkill?"
And he just laughs. He's an asshole![]()
About ballistics and a happy medium. You can take a well built 12.5” out passed 600yrds easy. When would you need to shoot more than 600yrds? Pretty much never. If I’m shooting further than 600yrds you better believe I’m not choosing 5.56 as my bullet of choice. Also I can now have a suppressor on my 12.5” and have it still be the same length as a standard 16”.