I think he’s not going to change things and harbor illegals therefore expecting he will lose federal funding. That loss will then end up causing cuts or at least that’s what the article said.Is he predicting cuts in general or is he planning on harboring illegals and will therefore forfeit federal funding? I'm guessing he'll be the last one to cave on removing illegals.
I’ll tell you my wife and I make a good buck. Honestly I never would have thought our salaries would be as high as they are and 10 years ago if you told me I’d be making what we are now I’d have thought we were rich. Inflation has killed us. I’m sure there’s a few places we could tighten up but we’re not frivolous spenders by any means. I’ve been growing as much of my food as I can because it’s so expensive and I do as much as I can myself to save everything I can. The prices these days are insane.It pisses me off these goddamn communist COULD balance a budget but deliberately choose not to because they can depend on federal funds. I am living paycheck to fucking paycheck because these assholes have inflated the currency to all hell with their irresponsible, reckless spending. I am impoverished because of them. It fills me with a seething rage. Kill every politician, kill every bureaucrat. Dismantle the government.
Actually I don't believe Biden did anything besides sit in a chair and shot on himself, His Staff on the other hand is going to exploit with impunity the fact they can do as they please or are bribed to do, and Biden will be blamed for it, and he could give a shit.I've mentioned this a couple times already, but as soon as Trump won, a lot of things started getting better.
Then fuckface Biden just kept doing stupid shit... Biden should've just sat in a chair and well, just sat there and did nothing. Doing nothing for him would be better than him doing something.
It's like Biden... just leave it the fuck alone already! Bastard.......