Trump DOJ scores rare win on sanctuary city crackdown in appeals court One win at a time!!:flag:
Jul 13, 2019 #1 MothMan .338 Win Mag Messages 6,690 Reaction score 11,678 Location Point Pleasant, WV Trump DOJ scores rare win on sanctuary city crackdown in appeals court One win at a time!!
Jul 13, 2019 #3 Saltwater60 .950 JDJ Messages 33,295 Reaction score 37,481 Location Western NY Good to see finally some sense.
Jul 13, 2019 #4 Acer-m14 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 35,422 Reaction score 37,658 Location Livingston Wish they would ruled you can shut the water off too ..
Jul 14, 2019 #5 Podmonkey .577 Tyrannosaur. U.S. Military Messages 21,172 Reaction score 29,441 Location Cambria co. PA I still don't understand why city and state officials are not being imprisoned for flagrantly violating Federal laws. Once again the only solution left I grass roots action. Let attrition solve this and other leftist problems.
I still don't understand why city and state officials are not being imprisoned for flagrantly violating Federal laws. Once again the only solution left I grass roots action. Let attrition solve this and other leftist problems.