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U.S. Sees Ongoing Spike in Gun, Ammo Sales: ‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like It’
The National Shooting Sports Foundation told the AP that it estimates that 20 million guns were sold in the U.S. Of those, it believes 8 million sales were made by first-time firearms purchasers.
“When you talk about all these people buying guns, it really has an impact on people buying ammunition,” the organization’s spokesperson, Mark Oliva, said.
“If you look at 8.4 million gun buyers and they all want to buy one box with 50 rounds, that’s going to be 420 million rounds,” he added.
The New York Times reported in May that preliminary data from Northeastern University and the Harvard Injury Control Research Center showed that a fifth of the people who bought guns in the U.S. last year were first-time owners.
The data also showed that 39 percent of U.S. households now own guns, an increase from 32 percent in 2016.
As firearm sales have increased and gun dealers struggle to keep ammunition on the shelves, the AP reports ammo imports from Russia, South Korea, the European Union and other countries have increased 225 percent.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation told the AP that it estimates that 20 million guns were sold in the U.S. Of those, it believes 8 million sales were made by first-time firearms purchasers.
“When you talk about all these people buying guns, it really has an impact on people buying ammunition,” the organization’s spokesperson, Mark Oliva, said.
“If you look at 8.4 million gun buyers and they all want to buy one box with 50 rounds, that’s going to be 420 million rounds,” he added.
The New York Times reported in May that preliminary data from Northeastern University and the Harvard Injury Control Research Center showed that a fifth of the people who bought guns in the U.S. last year were first-time owners.
The data also showed that 39 percent of U.S. households now own guns, an increase from 32 percent in 2016.
As firearm sales have increased and gun dealers struggle to keep ammunition on the shelves, the AP reports ammo imports from Russia, South Korea, the European Union and other countries have increased 225 percent.
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