.450/400 Nitro Ex
A stalling tactic, at best. This will result in many young, untrained, kids getting killed.
While this is true, I would be curious to know what was given out. I am sure they still had stockpiles of AKMS after the transition to the 74 series.Lol !
There primary rifle is still the 74
So 7n6 or (7n22 if your lucky) in 5.45
I don’t know about the beef jerky!
It could be worse. I am sure there is still a stockpile of M16a1 and a2 floating around out there. If you are going to give them out give out something you dont care if it ever comes back.Ew,
I wouldn't want those shitty hand me down colt m4s the government issues.
F that.
I have better gear than that.
With charging handles that enrage mosinitis at a seconds notice to boot
I'm thinking they should drop BLM and Antifa paratroopers into Moscow. They successfully occupied Portland and held off LEOs for more than a year. Throw in a few feminist Karens. Putin will be on his knees begging for mercy.18,000 Kalashnikov’s handed out. They dropped any age limit to fight -Molotov cocktail’s are now legal -Russian troops couple of miles out..
Biden’s sanctions not withstanding.
Yeah, but it's different now. Different weapons and techniques. Not saying that an effective guerilla war cannot be waged, but Russia isn't out there lining up in ranks in an open field like the red coats did. War isn't the same strategically or technologically.It worked in the American Revolution.
Making the enemy Kill women and children is a great way to mentally fuck them up for life.A stalling tactic, at best. This will result in many young, untrained, kids getting killed.
Yeah, but it's different now. Different weapons and techniques. Not saying that an effective guerilla war cannot be waged, but Russia isn't out there lining up in ranks in an open field like the red coats did. War isn't the same strategically or technologically.
It's also a good way to create a festering hatred. Someone kills my wife and/or kids... if I'm still around my new life's goal is to fuck them up as badly as I can - and I'd spend a lifetime to do the most damage that I can.Making the enemy Kill women and children is a great way to mentally fuck them up for life.
This is why they have "reeducation camps "..It's also a good way to create a festering hatred. Someone kills my wife and/or kids... if I'm still around my new life's goal is to fuck them up as badly as I can - and I'd spend a lifetime to do the most damage that I can.
Yeah, but it's different now. Different weapons and techniques. Not saying that an effective guerilla war cannot be waged, but Russia isn't out there lining up in ranks in an open field like the red coats did. War isn't the same strategically or technologically.
You are correct about the AKMS and as far as 7.62X39 around, they still have a bunch of SKS’sWhile this is true, I would be curious to know what was given out. I am sure they still had stockpiles of AKMS after the transition to the 74 series.
I am also curious to know what ammo loadout was supplied, 2 mags and 60 rounds?
I expected them to take out Ukraine military in 2-3 days. Even if Kiev falls imminently it appears the Ukrainians will continue to fight that and force the fascists to endure heavy losses.Your saying a guerrilla war isnt winnable. I have to disagree with you there, like you said, its not the weapons , its the brains. The Vietnamese Had no airforce Navy or armor for the most part , at least in the South, they paid a heavy price but managed to bleed us for 10 years. The Iraqi Army dissolved, and became a guerrilla force.
Your right in the respect that a guerrilla force cant go toe to toe with regulars . But they dont have to.
In this case NATO is going to keep the resistance alive with stingers anti armor , most likely advisors probably and mercenaries ,
Right now there are 2 armored columns heading toward Kiev. Kiev Has a population of 3 million , If 50,000 decide to fight with the weapons they have, its going to be a major headache if they choose to fight. They may not.
We had 3 divisions in Bagdad and never really secured it. Ramadi for instance.
Shit we had the best air force and intel in the world but just couldnt cover the whole of Afganistan. and even when they did locate them they were so dam far out , that by the time the planes got there , they were often dispersed already.
And from what Im seeing here with the Russians, they are'nt as well trained or lead as US forces . Im a little surprised.
The Ukrainians retook the airport today and pretty much wiped out there air assault unit and a few birds. That operation was a total mess.
Once they lost air cover they were fucked .
I dont know, Theres a lot of factors in play , Its hard to tell how this will play out. I had expected the Russians to have over run the country by now, But they are getting bogged down in some fighting,
I expected them to take out Ukraine military in 2-3 days. Even if Kiev falls imminently it appears the Ukrainians will continue to fight that and force the fascists to endure heavy losses.
As for Russians the lesson was driven home to me in the first gulf war: quality over quantity. The kill ratio between USA and Iraq was like a video game. It came down simply to training and technology. The latter is inextricably linked to economy. Russia has a weak economy, globally speaking. Their tech is old. Not all of it, but enough that they would never fare well against the west in an all out fight.
I believe now part of the reason they are sending these surplus t72 into combat is to avoid as much as possible the west seeing how easy their best tanks are to take out. Stingers and javelins appear to be doing good work.
After seeing the debacle in Afghanistan, I firmly believe this crop of generals are quite capable of screwing it up that badly.The US would never have done it like that.
Ukraine claiming something like 3500 deaths now of russian troops.I expected the Russians to go through them like we did in Iraq. Thier equipments not bad. Thier leadership is. when I saw that whole Air assault brigade get wiped out at the airport. because they had no air cover, I was appalled! You can bet that general is looking for work right now. Thats inexcusable. The US would never have done it like that. they were also being stopped at bridges where an air assault could have taken and held the bridge for a few hours until the army arrived. Some of the stuff they did was really questionable . Ive heard of tanks running out of gas ! WTF? Are they going to be able to keep the infantry supplied with bullets with all that heavy fighting?
Im hearing about a lot of aircraft being shot down but I havent seen much footage of it. Im wondering how much is just bullshit.
If what they are saying is true the Russians cannot sustain those losses for weeks without slowing down.
After seeing the debacle in Afghanistan, I firmly believe this crop of generals are quite capable of screwing it up that badly.
Thanks to Dementia Joe and the Ho I have little faith our military could wipe out a Girl Scout troop.
Seen more more angles (i saw more vid) I thought at first this was a russian tank but it is possibly that it was chasing down a different armored vehicle. In the other video I saw the other vehicle got taken out by ukranians and this came up behind and crashed almost immediately after--this "tank" may also have been ukranian and the driver was alarmed by gun fire happening right next to him. After he runs over the car he stays in the area and the troop on the ground who had just shot to death some people was not concerned about this armored vehicle behind him.Tank vs car
Videos show military vehicle crushing a moving car in Ukraine, driver surviving
The viral videos captured the moment in Kyiv when good Samaritans can be seen trying to free a man from the
As cruel as this sounds. I think Republicans should prevent our tax payer's money to be used to buy weapons for another country until our Second Ammendment right is granted to every single American. And I dont mean a restricted license. I want constitutional carry. In all states!!I have a problem with this. Why aren't we getting guns first - per our tax dollars?
I want to go ask Brandon, where is my gun that my tax dollars paid for so I can protect my country?
How is it that foreigners get the red carpet rolled out to them, but you and I don't get crap?
I suppose we'll all need to wait until the tables are turned, and there is a foreign adversary running rampant in our country.
I would totally be up for that. Totally agree.As cruel as this sounds. I think Republicans should prevent our tax payer's money to be used to buy weapons for another country until our Second Ammendment right is granted to every single American. And I dont mean a restricted license. I want constitutional carry. In all states!!