.308 Win
I'd like to start a new thread for posting rallies and other events against tyranny and 2A infringements.
Recently there was a rally in Norwich that I would have attended if I new it was happening. I would love to have attended even if I had to drive thru the blizzard on that day.
Think tanks are also welcome for new and fresh ideas. I'd like to start a positive thread in the politics & law section that will help us patriots stay informed, united and mobile.
Fight fire with fire.
Anyone in favor? Maybe it should become a sticky.
God bless us all.
Recently there was a rally in Norwich that I would have attended if I new it was happening. I would love to have attended even if I had to drive thru the blizzard on that day.
Think tanks are also welcome for new and fresh ideas. I'd like to start a positive thread in the politics & law section that will help us patriots stay informed, united and mobile.
Fight fire with fire.
Anyone in favor? Maybe it should become a sticky.
God bless us all.