Lmfao and a good portion of those fat body slobs would be dead before loading up their tika from an heart attack
Lmfao and a good portion of those fat body slobs would be dead before loading up their tika from an heart attack
Yup dodge the question! How many of those as you say fat body slobs (another liberal need to insult or name call!) are AR 15 and such owners?
Who cares. Look at how many of them will turn those guns in, how many of them dont even know how to use them they just bought it because Obama and now it sits in a safe with their 3 other guns, how many of those dont actually own an ar15 because weapons of war.
You are fucking missing the point and are probably projecting because this may be hitting to close to home, you may just now be realizing that you support more gun control than you thought and are not actually a friend of the 2A and may be one of those cast out
I watched the video. I will repeat what I have said many times.... I do not like this guy, his voice, his videos, his looks. I only watch hime when his vids are posted here. He would never be in my circle.
As for the term FUDD...
Kind of like being called a Racist these days; most aren't even sure what the terms mean anymore.
Someone is a Fudd because they do not agree with others 100% of the time? A Fudd because they support the NRA? I do not, but being a member of that organization does NOT make one a Fudd. Pushing membership does not make a Fudd either.
There are many in America that I would not want to have guns. That make me a Fudd? There are some restrictions that I am okay with. Fudd?
We toss these terms around so much, the meaning is lost.
To call Hicock45 a Fudd? Ridiculous.
Other than him saying that revolvers are better than semi autos, everything that man says is correct.
I never said the 2A had anything to do with concealed carry.
And you keep trying to have a dick measuring contest. Again what about that thread with the handgun instructor who has been giving classes here in New York for decades. He has done more than you but also supports gun control.
Based on your ass backwards logic of dick measuring he is more pro 2A than you ever will be
Why would you bring someone else into this conversation? You accused me of supporting gun control!
"You are fucking missing the point and are probably projecting because this may be hitting to close to home, you may just now be realizing that you support more gun control than you thought and are not actually a friend of the 2A and may be one of those cast out"
So tell me just what Gun Control you think I support?
Might want to hit up the adult learning center for a class on reading comprehension...
I read it just right! So tell me how I Probably May May not be a friend of the 2A ?
Nope. That was me.Oh but you convinced 4 people to get a handgun license. Better call the NRA we found LaPierre's replacement
Nope. That was me.
On the plus side, I heard the adult learning center's reading comprehension class still has an opening.
Nope. That was me.
On the plus side, I heard the adult learning center's reading comprehension class still has an opening.
Sure, just shoot me a pm.Arcade eh? No shit. You’re right around the corner from a good friend of mine that I try and visit often when the weather breaks.
He’s in Sardinia. I’ll have to try and remember to give you a shout when I’m down there next time.
Meaning, seeing people not wanting fudds and supporters of gun control in the gun community seemed to trigger you so fucking much. So who knows what your stances are but you sound like you are projecting because you seem to be acting like it's a personal attack on you.
Oh but you convinced 4 people to get a handgun license. Better call the NRA we found LaPierre's replacement
No @Edwardteach72
I also assist with the County Pistol Safety class from time to time ( Which yes I get paid!) Then I have Hundreds hours of documented instruction that I have received no compensation for! I do it because I enjoy it and it it important! So yes I MAY take it personal when someone says I don't support the 2A!!
So tell me how you support the 2A ?
Let me guess, your version of gun control means hitting what you aim at. Am I close?So tell me just what Gun Control you think I support?
Again I never said you didnt, i said those that dont support the 2A dont belong in the community, you took that as a personal attack and that's how we got on this back and forth.
And again you go on with the dick measuring contest like it matters. Either you dont think you do enough or you are so insecure that others do things for the 2a and also take the time to try and weed out those that are against us
Let me guess, your version of gun control means hitting what you aim at. Am I close?
No insecurity here! But since you are sidestepping my question what should I assume?
Nortatoga is a Fudd plain and simple. He supports concealed carry infringements. He supports corrupt court decisions. That's all anyone needs to know about him.