Marine Cpl
.577 Tyrannosaur.
Correct.Right. Military and police use is always the best benchmark for the pinnacle of performance.
Correct.Right. Military and police use is always the best benchmark for the pinnacle of performance.
Boy, that does sound familiar.
A fight or an argument?And I got into a fight with Hickok's son John when he opened his idiot hole after the Vegas shooting and the bum stock fiasco.
You and @Willjr75 need to broaden your horizons.
Yeah, I thought you would get a kick out of this.Boy, that does sound familiar.
And I got into a fight with Hickok's son John when he opened his idiot hole after the Vegas shooting and the bum stock fiasco.
And at the same time, not hit their target. But yeah, at least they put more rounds down range. BTW, I'm just ball busting when it comes to revolvers.Not true. A novice shooter can still put more rounds downrange in the general direction with a semi auto
Other than him saying that revolvers are better than semi autos, everything that man says is correct.
A fight or an argument-lolA Big guy to fight with.Boy, that does sound familiar.
And I got into a fight with Hickok's son John when he opened his idiot hole after the Vegas shooting and the bum stock fiasco.
Yes, I am, he ran when he saw my enormous...A fight or an argument-lolA Big guy to fight with.
I will disagree with many on this subject. To cast out FUDDs is stupid. To alienate them is stupid.
I do not have any gun that was non SAFE compliant before that law was passed with an exception of the one handgun with a 15 round magazine ( the magazine exception as opposed to the gun) .
I don’t not see the need for me to get a 50 caliber Barrett or AR15. Does that make me a FUDD. In the eyes of some it would.
I don’t see the need FOR me. But I support the right for others and realize that what I do want is next on their hit list.
We must educate rather than alienate them. Their vote and money is just as powerful as a non FUDD.
I agree. You don't unite a community by alienating 2/3 of it.I will disagree with many on this subject. To cast out FUDDs is stupid. To alienate them is stupid.
I do not have any gun that was non SAFE compliant before that law was passed with an exception of the one handgun with a 15 round magazine ( the magazine exception as opposed to the gun) .
I don’t not see the need for me to get a 50 caliber Barrett or AR15. Does that make me a FUDD. In the eyes of some it would.
I don’t see the need FOR me. But I support the right for others and realize that what I do want is next on their hit list.
We must educate rather than alienate them. Their vote and money is just as powerful as a non FUDD.
Educate and convert. Not just the fudds either.What else can you do? Embrace them when they vote against your rights?
I don’t not see the need for me to get a 50 caliber Barrett or AR15. Does that make me a FUDD. In the eyes of some it would.
I don’t see the need FOR me. But I support the right for others and realize that what I do want is next on their hit list.
Gun owners are their own worst enemies. If we can present a united front we are done.