I want to get my Hands on a CZ P 01 too. It is a DA/SA though, in case you didn't know. Hard to find as well.
Good for you! I lust over the little CZ! I know it's tough to do in NY but I would really try to handle each of your choices, and if at all possible shoot them, before you decide on one. The PPQ wasn't even on my radar till I rented one at a range, then I had to have one!^ Well, you told me not to write off DA/SA triggers, so I'm keeping my options open.![]()
*cough* ppq *cough*
While I agree that the PPQ is a tad bigger than the G19 it is much smaller, particularly in the grip, than the G17. It's an in between. I do carry it as well. I think the PPQ is a more fun gun on the range too. But the G19 is an excellent pistol and franklyy should be the starting point of anyone's search for a first handgun, I myself have never liked Glocks much. I did have a G20 when I decided I simply must have something in 10mm, and I still think it's the best gun in that caliber. Till there is a SIG chambered in itThe ppq is a fine pistol with a very nice trigger(some have the opinion its a little light for defensive work, no me tho) But for the OP the 19 is a better option imo because the ppq grip is more like a g17 and may be a little large for carry. Its funny I do believe the 19 is the best do all pistol and I dont own one lol, but I do own a G26 and for a 19 sized pistol a CZ PCR fills that role.
All larger capacity mags (including the 2/3 (or 4,5,6 you get used) you get with the gun) fit smaller grip lengths. Vica versa is not true.I never understood the fascination with a Glock 19 and a neutered 10 rd magazine. A Glock 26 with a standard 10 rd magazine can be made bigger via a pinky extension or via a Glock 19 magazine and sleeve. You cannot however make a Glock 19 smaller unless you use a dremel.
I can see wanting a larger magazine in a smaller gun but why would anyone want a smaller magazine in a larger gun like a 19?All larger capacity mags (including the 2/3 (or 4,5,6 you get used) you get with the gun) fit smaller grip lengths. Vica versa is not true.
Longer sight radius. Accuracy increase. Yes, marginal.
Heavier weight. Accuracy increase. Yes, marginal.
I own a 26 now, and a 17 is on my short list. Well, that or a 34 or 40.
G17 is because of Resident Evil. 34 because it's the same but competition length. 40 because 10mm.
Hard knock life.![]()
Nobody would? And it's impossible? Unless gimped of course.I can see wanting a larger magazine in a smaller gun but why would anyone want a smaller magazine in a larger gun like a 19?
Thats probably it. Large hands.OP wants something equally useful on the range. I've never found the stub sub compacts to be much fun to shoot. My Shield, which I am learning to enjoy shooting, still takes a backseat to the PPQ when it comes to having fun. And I think the increase in controlablity of say a G19 over a G26 is more than marginal. But thats just my opinion, and I do have very large hands that struggle a bit with small guns.
It's why I like the PPQ so much, with the 15 rounder my hand completely fills the entire grip,down to the last fraction of a millimeter, no wasted space and full "pinky purchase" while the extended base plate gives a place for my offhand pinky to rest. I think I'd use the extended base plate on the range even if the mag were capped at 10. Don't discount comfort during shooting. If you aren't comfortable on the gun you will have a harder time shooting to your potential. I know the taught you that in the Military Willjr.Thats probably it. Large hands.
While I agree that the PPQ is a tad bigger than the G19 it is much smaller, particularly in the grip, than the G17. It's an in between. I do carry it as well. I think the PPQ is a more fun gun on the range too. But the G19 is an excellent pistol and franklyy should be the starting point of anyone's search for a first handgun, I myself have never liked Glocks much. I did have a G20 when I decided I simply must have something in 10mm, and I still think it's the best gun in that caliber. Till there is a SIG chambered in it![]()
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the 10mm P220, I used to own a P220 in .45, I am a huge SIG fan! I think they just released that right? As for the PPQ dimensions, I think the only 2 dimensions that really matter for concealed carry are grip length and overall width. The PPQ is similar in width to the Glocks and it's grip length slots between the 17 and 19. The slide wiggle used to bother me also but it is normal, every PPQ is like that, and I forget all about it when shooting. It doesn't bother me anymore since the function is awesome regardless. I do also admit the PPQ is more of winter carry gun, I have the Shield for carry with light clothing. I am looking to experiment with various holsters that will allow me to carry the PPQ more often though.Height measurements
G19 4.99
G17 5.43
ppq 5.3
I personally think the g19 grip can be hard to hide in some cloths so anything bigger would be hard for me(not to mention 10 round limit anyway). I am not a big guy tho, thats why I went with a G26. Dont get me wrong I do like the PPQ and I shoot it well, and feels real nice in the hand. The only thing I dont like about the ppq is the slide fit seems loose to me, but again it shoot very well for me.
Btw, Sig does make a 10mm the 220. The da/sa shoots great, this weekend I should have the chance to shoot the sa model. Its a big pistol not a ccw for sure but was built from the ground up to handle full house loads.
It took S&W some time to dial in on the polymer market, but they got there! M&P is what you go for when you can't deal with Glock ergros but still want access to massive aftermarket options.My first gun was a smith sigma, it has arguably the worst trigger known to mankind, it feels like squeezing a frozen tennis ball untill it breaks , it gritty heavy and makes creaking noises, as bad as it was that pistol taught me alot about trigger control. not a recommendation for that gun ,but light triggers can be bandaid for bad trigger discipline .
Buy the gun you like and train with it whatever it may be.