.308 Win
The "networks" just piss me off so I get start off with Drudge.
For local New York News I found the Empire Report (like Drudge for NY State)
My third choice used to be NYF because I relied on you guys and gals, or as they say in Westen NY Useguys.
So I will now be checking in here to see what gems the membership has gleened from the world happenings.
Worst places for news is Facebook - Yahoo - Google. Totally slanted and geared to the whiny man crowd.
I am talking about politics news and world events not unicorn and rainbow news.
Do you even bother or care what is going on around you?
News? News? I don't read no stinking news! I just ride my unicorn and look for rainbows because I'm special. (spoken with a lisp)
For local New York News I found the Empire Report (like Drudge for NY State)
My third choice used to be NYF because I relied on you guys and gals, or as they say in Westen NY Useguys.
So I will now be checking in here to see what gems the membership has gleened from the world happenings.
Worst places for news is Facebook - Yahoo - Google. Totally slanted and geared to the whiny man crowd.
I am talking about politics news and world events not unicorn and rainbow news.
Do you even bother or care what is going on around you?
News? News? I don't read no stinking news! I just ride my unicorn and look for rainbows because I'm special. (spoken with a lisp)