.338 Win Mag
exactly the title, why does it blow? When I do searches for example the "the all I gotta" thread that I can't remember totally but remember few words, or I just wanna jump straight to it to post. You put in the majority of words in the field(yes I've also tried the different ways to search)and sometimes I've even type out completely exactly The All I Gotta Say.. and the results are whatever they are and after scrolling through dozens I finally see the TAIGS thread and then jump to it. That's just a true example, other searches are the same most the time, gotta scroll a tad or less or more to get the hit. After typing exact phrases and titles for searching, the very first result should be the one, no? Is there a way to filter or hone the search capabilities to be more precise when one searches? Look at me becoming a @meketrefe now suggesting forum software issues..that's it, I'm taking a hiatus from this forum till this is issue is fixed.
Good day.
Good day.