Rossiaphobia was one of the tools that the despicable Obummer administration used to try and fix an election.I can save him the trouble. The origin is Russophobia, which often reaches the level of mental illness.
""When you strike at the king you must slay him"" In other words, payback is a bitch.
Comey is going to jail, and he will not collect $200.
How does this all fit in with your bleak outlook for this country?This is what many have been waiting for.
This is the only real reason the Demoncrats have been trying to destroy him.
They are afraid and for very good reason.
Take this... Many Libtards and their kind are not going to be happy with what comes their way,
How does this all fit in with your bleak outlook for this country?
But could this kick shit off?No where. Just another investigation. Does not make things better or worse. We will not get fixed any time soon.
But could this kick shit off?
May the heads roll. Anything less would be a miscarriage of justice.
Grassroot it then.IF heads roll, it will be lesser people. The royalty of the Democrapic party will be untouched ie. Obama, Clinton’s and of course Cumhole.
Well done. I see no heads ripped off.This is how this Investigation of The Deep State should end:
If this is true, his life is in danger and he'd better hope he has the military behind him.I tweeted this a while ago. This guy John Barnwell is great to follow. 5eyes intelligence was used by Obummer to circumvent normal US channels, (5eyes is the nickname for the collective of US, Canada, UK, New Zealand, and Australia, who all share intelligence. Obummer weaponized it against Trump, at the behest of Soros, who is Bilderburg, which is overseen by the Rothschilds).
This whole thing is just the tip of a very dark iceberg. If we can get Trump into office for another 4 years, he could potentially, A. Give us back our government, or B. End the deepstate once & for all.
You'll see many of his opponents in the 2020 under investigation soon, I think. That's why many of them are even entering the race, so they can say, 'Waaahh, not fair, mean old Trump is investigating his opponents!!' This will weed out the democrats substantially.
Make no mistake, folks. This is NOT, 'business as usual, nobody goes to jail'. Mike Flynn and I follow each other on Twitter, and chat occasionally. He's been fighting, 'the cabal', or deepstate his whole career. He's been nothing but reassuring about our future, (without actually telling me anything).
Be prepared to take care of your own, and buy popcorn. The shows about to start.