.950 JDJ
He won’t call them out he will just cut funding to pay for illegal immigrants and other bullshit hand outs. The military of today will be gone tomorrow. There are talks of cutting the funding in half to achieve his spending plans and liberals support it. That means old antiquated technology, less personnel, and less training. All this means we’re less prepared.the U.S. Military has about 1.3 millions people in it, not all of them are combat personnel. From 2015/2016 DEC information, America, in total, handed out 14 MILLION big game licenses. If ONLY big game hunters got pissed off, and NOT the rest of the firearms owners, that number represents the single largest standing army on the planet. Even if you COMBINED Russia, China, India, Middle East and all of Europe. America has more fire power than all of them, combined.
Calling out the military would be a monumentally bad idea. Nothing good will come from it
Also how many big game hunters do you think are battle ready? Many are old and the younger fighting age people are not getting into hunting. Hunting permits were down 20% and that’s due to you get kids saying no.
Also Biden will not stand up to any of these countries and his relationship with China worries me as does our debt with them. They will come knocking for it someday and what will we do? We won’t be able to pay so we will sell them military gear, tech secrets(but they steal these for free) or land in the USA. My guess is they will push for mineral or oil rich lands in the USA so Alaska and Texas.