20×102mm Vulcan
You Have Less Than a Year
Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve just witnessed a coup. I wrote about it a few days ago. Plenty of people still don’t understand that the rules of the game have changed. Permanently. So I’ll expand on my previous essay, in the hope that the message gets through. You have less than a year to correct the situation. This is a grim and very dark essay. If you can’t tolerate it, sorry. Better read something else. Don’t continue reading
Biden is now in full control of your parliament, both houses. That means he can — and bloody well will! — write any kind of legislation he wants. Biden himself is not a Hitler. More like one of Hitler’s more slippery henchmen, like Martin Bormann. Always hovering in the background, filling his pockets. Just enough in the limelight to be noticed and to be powerful enough to hand out favors. But he definitely is no Hitler. Like Hitler, Biden will have to consolidate his power. That is a process he can complete in about one year. That’s all the time you have left. Less than a year. After that, better sign up for DNC membership. If they will still accept you.
Please don’t parrot empty meaningless slogans, such as: they can pry my guns from my cold dead hands. Very few people will actually do that. Pretty soon a new mass shooting incident will happen. No need to arrange for one; mass shootings happen several times every year in the USA. All the DNC has to do is wait for the next one. Then Harris Biden will act decisively and ban most handguns. Just about everybody will hand in their guns, without a fuss. That’s what happened in Australia in 1996. The government said: That’s enough. No more guns! It was enough, and there are no more guns in Australia. Why is it an empty slogan? Because most people like to live. Given the choice between handing in firearms or facing at least a very lengthy jail term, they choose handing in their weapons. If only because they have a family to take care of.
That is exactly what will happen, in a few months’ time. What about those ‘pry my gun’ people? Well, America is not Australia, and no longer democratic. America is now a Democratic Republic. Which means your police will simply send in a SWAT team, and blast them to kingdom come. Live on TV. It will be all over the media. Not as martyrs, but as brave police officers getting rid of dangerous hysterical fascists. The remainder of the pry-my-gun people will get the message and quietly turn in their guns. Willingly even, as the media will go apes**t about really dangerous fascists refusing to obey Big Biden the law
When Hitler was elected — and yes, he was elected — he had less control than Biden has now. Less, because he was part of a coalition government. Winner-take-all didn’t work in the Weimar Republic. Less again, because he didn’t have full control of academia, the courts, churches and industry. The Democrat Party has full control over academia, the media and big tech. Not the army, but the army always supports the ruling government. Same goes for the police. Especially if the leadership can pretend the election was legal.
I know this is very grim reading. I’m working my way through a book, The Vampire Economy by Günther Reimann. He describes Nazi Germany in 1939, just before the start of the war. All I did was extrapolate his situation to today. Nothing more than that. I recommend you read that book. It can be downloaded online as a PDF.
Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve just witnessed a coup. I wrote about it a few days ago. Plenty of people still don’t understand that the rules of the game have changed. Permanently. So I’ll expand on my previous essay, in the hope that the message gets through. You have less than a year to correct the situation. This is a grim and very dark essay. If you can’t tolerate it, sorry. Better read something else. Don’t continue reading
Biden is now in full control of your parliament, both houses. That means he can — and bloody well will! — write any kind of legislation he wants. Biden himself is not a Hitler. More like one of Hitler’s more slippery henchmen, like Martin Bormann. Always hovering in the background, filling his pockets. Just enough in the limelight to be noticed and to be powerful enough to hand out favors. But he definitely is no Hitler. Like Hitler, Biden will have to consolidate his power. That is a process he can complete in about one year. That’s all the time you have left. Less than a year. After that, better sign up for DNC membership. If they will still accept you.
Please don’t parrot empty meaningless slogans, such as: they can pry my guns from my cold dead hands. Very few people will actually do that. Pretty soon a new mass shooting incident will happen. No need to arrange for one; mass shootings happen several times every year in the USA. All the DNC has to do is wait for the next one. Then Harris Biden will act decisively and ban most handguns. Just about everybody will hand in their guns, without a fuss. That’s what happened in Australia in 1996. The government said: That’s enough. No more guns! It was enough, and there are no more guns in Australia. Why is it an empty slogan? Because most people like to live. Given the choice between handing in firearms or facing at least a very lengthy jail term, they choose handing in their weapons. If only because they have a family to take care of.
That is exactly what will happen, in a few months’ time. What about those ‘pry my gun’ people? Well, America is not Australia, and no longer democratic. America is now a Democratic Republic. Which means your police will simply send in a SWAT team, and blast them to kingdom come. Live on TV. It will be all over the media. Not as martyrs, but as brave police officers getting rid of dangerous hysterical fascists. The remainder of the pry-my-gun people will get the message and quietly turn in their guns. Willingly even, as the media will go apes**t about really dangerous fascists refusing to obey Big Biden the law
When Hitler was elected — and yes, he was elected — he had less control than Biden has now. Less, because he was part of a coalition government. Winner-take-all didn’t work in the Weimar Republic. Less again, because he didn’t have full control of academia, the courts, churches and industry. The Democrat Party has full control over academia, the media and big tech. Not the army, but the army always supports the ruling government. Same goes for the police. Especially if the leadership can pretend the election was legal.
I know this is very grim reading. I’m working my way through a book, The Vampire Economy by Günther Reimann. He describes Nazi Germany in 1939, just before the start of the war. All I did was extrapolate his situation to today. Nothing more than that. I recommend you read that book. It can be downloaded online as a PDF.
You Have Less Than a Year | Gates of Vienna