.308 Win
Both. Pay cash.
That was the same number I was recommended for a good base stash of your primary weapon. The secondary was at 5g rds. The shot gun was in a different category altogether do to breaching and defensive loads. I don't remember those details. The .22lr like you said is great for trading and for small game hunting while staying somewhat undetected.upwards of at least 10,000 of each caliber
Thats more than adequate for a SHTF stash. Anything past that is just a range stockpile.Admittedly I'm fairly new into guns so I have not been stocking up for too long. I wish I had more disposable income to buy more.
I try to make a habit to buy small quantities any time I'm able to. Like if I'm grocery shopping at walmart I'll detour over to the ammo section to buy a box of something.
I don't have much but I will keep stocking when possible. When I go shooting I try to buy more for that specific time and not dip into my stock to keep growing it.
I see the direction things are going and I'm going to make more of an effort to stock up.
My immediate goals are 2500 .22lr, 500 12g (at least half slugs or 00), 1000 rifle and when I finally get my pistol 1000 9mm. (i'm close or meeting some of these goals)
My stock goal by 2020 is
5000 .22lr
1000 12g (at least half slugs and 00)
2000 rifle
3000 pistol.
Maybe even a few random boxes of calibers I don't even own just for the heck of it.
I am seriously concerned of what will happen if the dems take control of Congress and win 2020.
I know by many standards it's a modest stash but I'm late to the party and only have so much money to go around. I wish I would have started sooner. :/
This discussion is always interesting. The idea of having massive stockpiles of ammo is fine, if that's what you think will help you when the world ends... My favorite is the 10K+ rounds of rifle and pistol caliber ammo guy, yet the guy has only a handful of magazines. Let's be real here, youre gonna do more running and hiding, and far less picking up of empty mags to reload in your spare time.
Yep. At that point shooting recreationally will be over.I feel they will pass laws to regulate how many rounds one can have on premise .. In other words Take NY City laws and apply that to the rest of the country.. In the name of Safety of course. ... (First responders ) .. Then limit how many rounds one can buy per month. ...A lot of drugs are handled this way . Very tight controls ... Ammo can be regulated the same way. Most fudds will not care . Most only use a box per year. Buying a box of 1000 could be a thing of the past .. Hell buying a box of 100 could be...... That is when one is in a true SHTF situation. I bought handguns not because I need another one ... But because California Roster could be here sooner than we think . (for most of the country )... AND doing a NY reload could be our only solution .
Finally one that gets it. When things get bad (Real SHTF) you aren't going to fire many rounds. If you do, you'll end up giving the guy that killed you all your rounds. It's best to stay grey and mind your own business or you'll unwillingly lead people to your home and family.This discussion is always interesting. The idea of having massive stockpiles of ammo is fine, if that's what you think will help you when the world ends... My favorite is the 10K+ rounds of rifle and pistol caliber ammo guy, yet the guy has only a handful of magazines. Let's be real here, youre gonna do more running and hiding, and far less picking up of empty mags to reload in your spare time.
I don't wory about the end of the world.
The problem with this question is everyone is in a different situation.
Some are close or in cities and have to be a grey man and find a way out. These people don't need and shouldn't have massive stockpiles.
Some people live out in the country and will stay put and have to defend what they have. These people will need more ammo on hand. If smart not all in one place.
Lastly some people have the resources and property to house multiple like minded families. Because these people will be traveling it's doubtful they can bring many arms or ammo. This instance is where large collections and stockpiles make sense.
100%The problem with this question is everyone is in a different situation.
Some are close or in cities and have to be a grey man and find a way out. These people don't need and shouldn't have massive stockpiles.
Some people live out in the country and will stay put and have to defend what they have. These people will need more ammo on hand. If smart not all in one place.
Lastly some people have the resources and property to house multiple like minded families. Because these people will be traveling it's doubtful they can bring many arms or ammo. This instance is where large collections and stockpiles make sense.
I agree with this. I have been thinning out the inventory for some time. I'd rather have a few firearms with top notch accessories than a bunch of firearms any day of the week.You don't need to stockpile thousands of rounds per caliber. When things get bad, you aren't going to go shooting for fun.
Pick one fighting rifle and one concealable handgun. Stock a few thousand rounds for each that you will not touch under any circumstances now.
Freddy, you suck. I've been watching thunder ranch/clint smith videos all afternoon. The dude is hysterical.Go to the 2:05 mark...