Send me a PM if you have not sold it in a week or so - price is good although its not exactly the gun I am looking for.
I am just North of Syracuse in Central Square.
Have an FFL up here who is fairly priced as well.
Hey Tisto if you didn’t sell those plated 9mm and primers were I’m interested. I’m a Buffalo boy as well, I’m currently working out of town but am coming home on the 27th and can meet up with you.
I'll take whats left when you get back.
Where in NL are you? My wife's relatives are in the Normans Cove/Chapel Head and Old Shop area's. I ride Motorcycle from here to there when we visit and sometimes detour through Labrador. I'm NW of Albany.
There is no smokin' in the prone position in bed. To smoke you must have both legs over the side of your bunk. Any man caught smokin' in the prone position in bed spends a night in the box.
Wow, some idiot was trying to run in front of cars on 81n by exit 3. Finally got hit by tractor trailer. They were doing compressions when we drove by. Now 81n is closed and half of BPD is there.
Funny thing. Had a delivery today for a guy named William. Get to the location and had to take a second and 3rd look. Guy just laughed and smiled. Tellin ya, Will Smith has a friggin identical twin lmao.