SmallGameAddict Jul 14, 2020 Kinda thinking I need a new hobby. Every time there's a 'crisis' guns and ammo are out of stock, and the price on ammo increases 50%.
Kinda thinking I need a new hobby. Every time there's a 'crisis' guns and ammo are out of stock, and the price on ammo increases 50%.
SmallGameAddict Jul 11, 2020 I wish Mitt Romney would just STFU. He's one of " Those Guys", always putting someone else down in a vain attempt to make himself look better.
I wish Mitt Romney would just STFU. He's one of " Those Guys", always putting someone else down in a vain attempt to make himself look better.
SmallGameAddict Jul 9, 2020 DAMN it's hot out there today. 93 degrees and 45% humidity. My lawn is getting browned by the minute. Hasn't rained in 2 weeks at least.
DAMN it's hot out there today. 93 degrees and 45% humidity. My lawn is getting browned by the minute. Hasn't rained in 2 weeks at least.
SmallGameAddict Jul 1, 2020 That pause, that moment in time, when your crosshairs are aligned on your target, and your brain says to your trigger finger..."Send It".
That pause, that moment in time, when your crosshairs are aligned on your target, and your brain says to your trigger finger..."Send It".
9 9 9mm May 31, 2020 26 yrs with a WESTCHESTER COUNTY PISTOL PERMIT..I requested to remove my RISTRICIONS from TARGET AND HUNTING TO FULL CARRY what are my chances to get it?? Never I had any problems with the law except few parking tickets any thoughts?
26 yrs with a WESTCHESTER COUNTY PISTOL PERMIT..I requested to remove my RISTRICIONS from TARGET AND HUNTING TO FULL CARRY what are my chances to get it?? Never I had any problems with the law except few parking tickets any thoughts?