.700 Nitro Express

"States across the country have swiftly adopted draconian measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, including an indefinite suspension of their citizens’ Second Amendment rights.
New York has taken some of the most extreme measures. According to a phone survey of all 62 New York counties conducted by 2ANYS, a full 84 percent of counties (52) have suspended or ignored their duty to continue processing pistol permits.
New York also forced the closure of Remington Arms in Ilion, NY, until April 30 because the factory was deemed “non-essential.”
According to Herkimer County Legislature Chairman Vincent J. Bono, Remington Arms payroll makes up about a sixth of the county’s total economy. The closure “will be devastating to the families of those workers,” he told the Observer-Dispatch.

New York Suspends Pistol Permitting, Shuts Down Remington in Response to COVID-19
States across the country have swiftly adopted draconian measures to slow the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, including an indefinite suspension of their citizens’ Second Amendment rights.