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  1. J

    Three Buffalo Starbucks vote to unionize.

    I didn't realize you needed to be unionized to walk off a job....
  2. J

    Manhattan DA to stop seeking prison sentences in slew of criminal cases

    Looks like it's working in places like San Fran, might as well bring it to NYC. Here's the best one: "Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, provided no victims were seriously injured...
  3. J

    Gov. Hochul issues plan to implement term limits for elected state officials

    Or they're worried a non-democrat will win and want to try to shorten that person's time in office.
  4. J

    No More Heating With Firewood In New York?

    Maybe the wood stoves melted the glaciers in the Finger Lakes Regions 10,000 years ago. Oh wait, no, it was the 1 ton diesels with no DEF systems...
  5. J

    The 'Truth in Vaccination' law NY State

    I agree in that people shouldn't be lying about being vaccinated, but I have to disagree with the 'if going out to dinner or a Bill's game is so important get vaccinated' part. If we're going to be forced to get vaccinated because it's safe and works so well, then the vaccinated people at those...
  6. J

    NYS Styrofoam Ban

    How dare you question the science!
  7. J

    NYC voted to put limits on carbon output on any new building and any requiring a building permit. No gas allowed!!

    This should go over well in restaurants... Food costs to customers will skyrocket if they can't cook with cheap, hot burning, safe gas.
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    I'm sure the approval rate is much higher in Beverly Hills, even though the criminal records of the applicants may not be quite as clean as 'normal' people who apply and get denied.
  9. J

    Three Buffalo Starbucks vote to unionize.

    I've belonged to two unions. Both held back my career and income. My pay and position are now based on my performance, not some chart/job title. I'm much better off and never plan to be part of a union again.
  10. J

    Gov. Hochul announces ‘Outdoor Adventure’ vaccine incentive on Rochester radio

    I would prefer my tax dollars to NOT be used to bribe people into a vaccine they don't want.
  11. J

    Germany locks down unvaccinated and prepares to force vaccines

    Unfortunately, I don't think the truth will come out until there is a PBS special about it 60 years from now. At that point, it won't matter anymore.
  12. J

    Dr. Oz plans to run for Senate seat in Pennsylvania

    This part bothers me for a couple reasons. People shouldn't be able to vote or run for office where they don't live. "Oz may have to explain why he isn’t running for office in New Jersey, where he has lived for the past two decades before he began voting in Pennsylvania’s elections this year...
  13. J

    An accidental weapon discharge at Atlanta airport caused panic and halted flights

    I agree. I fly a few times a year, and every time I see a bag taken aside for a manual inspection, the passenger can't get to it. When they do open the bag, they do it right in front of you, so he may have gone for the gun once the TSA person opened the bag. With something that should be as...
  14. J

    Rittenhouse trial thread (multi-merged)

    And still, wrong information regarding bringing a gun across state lines...
  15. J

    Rittenhouse trial thread (multi-merged)

    No kids tonight. The wife and I are supposed to go out to dinner. Maybe she'll let me pick up a free TV or air fryer instead.
  16. J

    Rittenhouse trial thread (multi-merged)

    That's not the FBI's video taken by a drone at 8000', is it? It looks like it was taken WAY too low to me.
  17. J

    Alec Baldwin Charged in “prop gun” shooting (Merged Threads)

    Funny how 'the weapon went off'. I don't think we can blame him, he obviously didn't pull the trigger. He should sue Colt... Before anyone gets upset, that was sarcasm.
  18. J

    Rittenhouse trial thread (multi-merged)

    I took this as a comment on the problem of backed up shipping containers, not an insult to Asian food.
  19. J

    Port of entry backlog fixes?

    If only the US had the ability to extract oil...
  20. J

    Watch: Al Gore's Latest 'Solution' To Climate Change Is Mass Surveillance

    Great, something else to keep me up at night...
  21. J

    Watch: Al Gore's Latest 'Solution' To Climate Change Is Mass Surveillance

    Climate change has directly affected me. I remember back over 10,000 years ago, before the glaciers receded, creating the finger lakes, how much fun we had playing on the glaciers. I knew we were in trouble about 11,000 years ago, when cars, lawnmowers, and coal burning power plants started to...
  22. J

    DOJ says AR15’s CAN NOT be "Readily Restored” into MG's!

    Kind of like a 'buy back', mine can't be 'restored' to FA, because it never started as FA.
  23. J

    Williams, Lander call for NYPD to halt use of easier-to-fire-guns

    To this end we ask: What is the cost to equip incoming recruits with the new 5-pound trigger guns? How are these new guns funded? How was the decision to equip the NYPD with the new 5-pound trigger guns made? Let's see... #1 The cost will probably be less, as they will now be using off the...
  24. J

    Socialist candidate, stuns longtime incumbent in Buffalo mayor’s race.

    I guess I should have clarified. If the stamps are all identical, they probably were done by the same person. Having a stamper available at the voting site for people to use is probably illegal, at the very least unethical. I think I read that Brown's campaign was giving out stickers for...
  25. J

    Socialist candidate, stuns longtime incumbent in Buffalo mayor’s race.

    That should be pretty easy to figure out. Either the ballots are stamped, or they're not.
  26. J

    Border crisis hits classrooms as unaccompanied minors flood NY schools

    I thought they didn't need to be vaccinated for covid because they won't be here long??????? "They are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time," she [Psaki] said.
  27. J

    2 dead, over 12 shot at backyard Halloween party

    They know what house it came from, but it sounds like they're having trouble figuring out who it was.
  28. J

    Cuomo to be charged

    I can only hope we're not paying for it.
  29. J

    Cuomo to be charged
  30. J

    AP Sources: Letitia James will run for New York governor

    This part sounds like misappropriation of campaign funds to me: "Cuomo might also be a factor in the race. After leaving office, he has dug into his campaign funds to pay the salaries of spokespeople and lawyers who have spent months blasting James’ integrity on television and on social media."
  31. J

    Alec Baldwin Charged in “prop gun” shooting (Merged Threads)
  32. J

    Lawmakers seek to ban single-use water bottles in NYS parks

    Why do they need a law? Can't they just stop selling water in bottles? Do they pass a new law every time they put a new item on the menu in the snack shack?
  33. J

    Port of entry backlog fixes?

    So they're going to penalize the shipping operators because they can't get trucks and trains to move their stuff. That makes no sense at all. No one will want to dock unless they KNOW they can get thousands of containers moved in 3 days.
  34. J

    Endwell Man with Loaded Gun Released After Struggle with JC Cops

    I'll clarify: A convicted felon with a stolen handgun and suspended vehicle registration who fought with police has been released by the judge.
  35. J

    Newsom Administration Announces New Ban Regulations on Oil and Gas Facilities

    I wonder what it costs to run an electric pizza oven all day long, versus a natural gas oven. I'm sure the cost of pizza will be so high it will no longer be an easy meal when you have no time to make dinner, or need to feed a bunch of teenagers quickly and easily.
  36. J

    Newburgh City Councilman Omari Shakur arrested by State Police

    This guy is a class act!
  37. J

    Schumer Announces Renewed Push to Overhaul Election Law

    I'm confused, people need to be able to register at 16, so they can vote asap when they are 18. But also, people need to be able to register on election day to vote for that election.
  38. J

    United fires almost 600 workers for not getting the jab.

    I would also like to add that if they are trying to 'protect their employees' by requiring the vaccine, they're targeting the wrong group. Most people who die from covid are well beyond working age.
  39. J

    Hochol press conference today 10/7 @ 1:00pm

    So most guns used in crimes are stolen, but they want to hold the FFL's accountable. OK, got it.
  40. J

    Biden to announce vaccine mandate for companies with more than 100 employees “From the moment S.B. 8 went into effect, women have been unlawfully prevented from exercising control over their lives in ways that are protected by the Constitution,” wrote Pitman, who...
  41. J

    Colorado woman denied needed kidney transplant for being unvaccinated

    I'm listed as an organ donor (a heart on my driver's license). I guess they won't want my organs because I'm not vaccinated. I wonder how things will go if I try to get myself out of that program. EDIT: Looks like it's not that hard...
  42. J

    Police Investigating Active Shooter Situation At Timberview High School In Arlington TX

    'The teen will be charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.' How about 3 counts of attempted murder?
  43. J

    Reports of shots fired draws quick police response

    '...police were dispatched to Muldowney Circle early Thursday morning for a report of seven gunshots heard by the caller' Thank God they were following the original text of the SAFE Act. If not, someone could have been killed!
  44. J

    Rochester Mayor Charged with Felony Weapons Possession

    Anyone have any idea how much her pension will be? I was trying to find it, but was not successful.