A couple of topics being discussed here. First Trump should NOT have signed this bill. Its loaded with PORK. I think the reason he caved was he was convinced it would effect the GA senate Race. As long as the two current senators from GA voted for it I don't think it would have . But he was...
Latest on news is republicans wont budge on amount in check to the people. They don't want to raise the cost of it any higher. SIMPLE fools take out all the foreign aid. Problem solved. But as Repeat said, then there family members cant get richer off it.
Under a normal bill they do this...
I hope he vetoes it. They could make it 2 grand per legal CITIZEN and not raise the cost of it by just eliminating all the foreign aid. Money to Jordan for a border wall?? I thought those walls were racist? VETO it for sure. Or eliminate foregin aid raise amount to 2 grand then vote yes. Get on...
You guys are feeding a Troll. drowhawk said he doesn't care if Biden or Trump is president. If you are ACTUALLY a gun owner and care about gun rights you could not be SANE and say that. PROOF Drowhawk doesn't own any guns or he isn't a sane person. . This is a GUN forum RIGHT? Biden has said...
Do you know what TYPE of forum you are on?? Serious question Drowhawk. Its a GUN forum. So what do people on a gun forum concerned about. National debt? NO of course any new gun control which takes my and your freedoms away from owning, using and buying, trading guns and related equipment. Trump...
As I said this is about the GA senate seats. Nothing more. If the dems win in GA then the real destruction comes. I hope you don't think the 2nd amendment will protect your guns. Liberal judges on the Supreme Court have already written they don't believe the 2nd amendment gives the RIGHT of the...
The main stream "news" media will NEVER let the people know about all the CRAP they stuffed into this. They will just say how can the republicans NOT vote for relief for struggling Americans. Which will help the dems win the GA runoff senate races. This is the plan.
Until we some how fix the...
The complete collapse of the economy and the dollar worth next to nothing is what the plan is to bring in socialism. This is there plan and if Joe takes over he will TRY and do just that with more Covid bailout packages BUT way more like 5 Trillion. He will devalue the dollar to nothing.
This is all moot any way. There is no vaccine card being issued by the goverment. I know of several people who have already gotten the shot. They were given no card to show they have been vaccinated. So there is no way to PROVE they got the vaccine. So you can put a sign up saying No Entry...
Drowhawk will never listen. Its a waste of time. I was on facebook thread were lockdowns came up. One guy said China did lockdowns and solved the covid problem. I laughed and said you cant Trust a single word that China says. You should have seen all the nasty stuff I was called for questioning...
You say there is no evidence The main reason why is the states BLOCKED Trumps team from getting any. They would NOT allow an examination of the Dominion Voting Machines. Then those very machines memories were wiped. I am sure that was another accident. So you believe Joe Blow voter went into...
Technically you are correct the ONE is still a firearm. But as the video says she was renting these out for rapper music videos. Its clear what her intention for owning these were for. Anyone with any sense in justice would NOT charge her.
Its pretty clear biden will be sworn in. How long he lasts depends on were the Hunter case goes. BUT Harris will be worse. Bidens proposed gun laws wont make it past the Senate BUT if he does Executive Order they will end up in the Supreme court. I think they will be struck down. BUT if the...
Quote If you put in effort to prevent getting it, yes. If not, no. The public shouldn't be on the hook to pay for someone's willful neglect of their health. I support each person's right to be a moron. I also support not bailing out morons from their actions. " end quote
I disagree with that...
I wouldn't jump up and down just yet. if the republicans win GA senate seats. Joe will be a do nothing president. sure he will hurt the country with another 10 million illegals flooding in. He is sure to start a war in the middle east and help Iran get a nuke. BUT other than that he will be...
When Biden TRIES his executive order it will be challenged in federal court the same day. It will make its way to supreme court and be struck down as unconstitutional. The ONLY way this changes in the near future is if the court gets more liberal judges on it over time. Or if they pack the court...
No knock warrants are good for DRUG raids were evidence will be destoyed. That's it . Your door gets kicked open in the night everyone here would go for their gun. Only for drug raids should they be used.
Ruger AR 556 NY legal purchased last year at Buffalo Gun Center Has about 200 rounds through it. Functioned perfectly with American Eagle 55 grain ammo. Also includes a 3 by 9 40mm scope with rings. Have original box with Ruger lock and one original 10 round magazine and owners manual...
I have a NY pistol permit and want to take a freind to fire one of my handguns at my clubs range. I had this lawyer guy who is a friend of a friend say that's not legal in NY. Its my gun on my permit at my clubs range. Is that NOT legal? tried googling it got various results. I wouldn't think...
As far as someone being aggrieved to challenge the law all someone has to do is say NO I wont give you access. The state would then deny purchase and then you can file your suit against this bogus law. It would be over turned.
I thought it was to good to be true. After reading the entire thread I think its kinda risky. My AR's have thordsen stocks. and no other dreadful features. They look weird but what you going to do. I cant by a fixed mag version. just wont do it.
Well Jerrys located in NY state is selling these so they must be legal?? yes no ?? Iam confused. Can I build my own?
Delta Level Defense 12" "Other" ARs