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  1. Nevar

    Trump wrapped boat = awesome

    Obviously A well to do boat owner that keeps It in his back yard. Cameras , Dogs.
  2. Nevar

    Trump wrapped boat = awesome

    Fantastic. Trips. 1 Master and 2 slaves. Most likely on Jack Plates.
  3. Nevar

    SCOTUS rules in NYSRPA vs NYC

    Sorry to say The Supreme court was bought and paid for long ago. No matter how many on the Right or Left They will do what the super powerful few order them to do
  4. Nevar

    Kim Jong Un in danger after surgery (fake news ?) (merged)

    What about the half black, self hating muslim
  5. Nevar

    Nancy Pelosi may be your next President

    Never gonna happen. You see the Battle Flag around ever corner
  6. Nevar

    Iran launches its 1st military satellite into orbit: reports

    Great . Because we Know there range,limits and FREQ. What they are looking at, how long it took to stage before launch . Funny how all laughed at President TRUMP for Forming a Space Force. Gee just what he knew way before we did. Just a Little moving Target to play with
  7. Nevar

    Biden-Obama ticket? Michelle of course??

    Never gonna happen . Because creepy Joe and the gibbon would have to challenge each other to a Biggest Dick contest.
  8. Nevar

    Unemployment Question?

    going Back to The Unemployment question I worked for Tri-State for 32 years as A sub contractor . Window/Door/ Sash installer [ a few years I got A Regular W2] Then back to a the 1099 even though I paid SS and Tax. Out of work NYS told NO to bad Not eligible. Fuck this state ...
  9. Nevar

    Let's play a game. Show us something you don't think anyone else here has.

    Sorry to add another one off the Bang chart. MY wife's Factory built RARE 1996 "Z/28 " [ called Ultra Z ] because she Has A real LT 1 not the just alum head version. Factory Iron Headers to dual 2 3/4 " exhaust, Sub Frame Rails Tied In. Factory Traction Bars, Factory...
  10. Nevar

    Let's play a game. Show us something you don't think anyone else here has.

    You mean things that go Bang . A Russian IZH 81 KM M/P 12 Guage . 5 In the Box Mag and 1 in the Pipe. 100% Org with 3 mags. And with just A bit of trickery another 5 in the TUBE at the same time. Then there is Mr. T who now pleasantly Lives In a Free State . Real 45 ACP...
  11. Nevar

    Cuomos gear grab article and what that could mean for the future

    ^^^ this^^^ with a comment. Not all shops 4473 forms were computerized into the data base. And yes if with out any warrant he can confiscate anything he wants. What is next Fire Arms ? What about FOOD for all the poor starving illegals he want to give free ed to. In his mind his...
  12. Nevar

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo Says He Will Not Run for President

    Don't care what some of the very knowledgeable posts have to say princess is being groomed for VP. He just need to keep up the BS scare tactics long enough. [ unless the demms cum up with a Black/latina Lez female ]
  13. Nevar

    Gov. Cuomo to sign executive order to take ventilators from upstate hospitals

    ^^^ this^^^ I am An retired Volly LT.Hooks and Ladder /Rescue EMT. Be damned if I would dump the House for a "12" brush fire
  14. Nevar

    Republican Governor of Massachusetts Closes All Gun Stores, Reversing Previous Decision

    Many good posts in response to my comment [ and others] But They still have to take away Your Firearms
  15. Nevar

    Republican Governor of Massachusetts Closes All Gun Stores, Reversing Previous Decision

    Yes but the first big step is to Disarm the people to make them slaves.
  16. Nevar

    Republican Governor of Massachusetts Closes All Gun Stores, Reversing Previous Decision

    And Firearms. An unarmed citizen is a SLAVE.
  17. Nevar

    Republican Governor of Massachusetts Closes All Gun Stores, Reversing Previous Decision

    This proves what some of us have been saying for A long time. It is not left or Right wing . It is nothing more than The rich and Powerful trying to make/keep Us tax paying Slaves
  18. Nevar

    First Time Firearm Owners

    About 80% disagree with the Long Time gun owner being complacent and in the Know it all category . Fore those comments put us in that category. there people who had Firearms for 20/30 years and never fired them . Or maybe 1 -2 rounds a year on paper. Our / your job is to teach the...
  19. Nevar

    Gov. Cuomo to sign executive order to take ventilators from upstate hospitals

    ^^^^^ Look at what what is jammed in [ not color ]
  20. Nevar

    Gov. Cuomo to sign executive order to take ventilators from upstate hospitals

    So let me get this STR8. Cunhole is now going to decide who lives ? Wait what area people live. Upstate working people or NYC SHIT that do not speak english or Work.
  21. Nevar

    Defensive posture changed?

    On another note What have I/we done to prep. ??? New Out Rigger cameras [ those pointing toward the home ] Even more canned and dry foods. LOTS of Monster [dog] food I carry everywhere with 2 spare Mags. Wife who shoots her Ruger .357 Mag better than most of us now has 2 more...
  22. Nevar

    Tough Guy Biden

    Just Proves An Old Pervert can do what ever he wants if he is A demoshit.
  23. Nevar

    The Catch All Phrase {smell of marijuana)

    100 % true I got stopped in My 1966 SS 396 RED Chevelle I was 28 or so. . Got stopped BY SCPD i the family neighborhood, because the way She Looked. Not speeding. First one hero cop, then 2 more hero Cops , Tossed the car . I mean tossed it Ripped up the trunk carpet, dumped the...
  24. Nevar

    The Catch All Phrase {smell of marijuana)

    The I smell Bull shit line has been used from the Late 60s. I don't smoke weed, never have. But the long Hair and Real steel Street Thunder got me pulled over frequently and My car tossed