This is what will happen when they try to destroy Our Country
In a time of great strife when many sought to take down Old Glory and what She stood for, there were so few standing by her.
There came a call from an Old Sister that was silent for so long.
Fore we are of the same...
I have a New to Me Sig P225. [ circa 1994] came with "4" Sig zipper back Mags. One of them once loaded . Has to be forcibly inserted and Removed . Empty FINE drops out. Tried it with 7 and 6 still has to be forced.
Pics enclosed [ note X on the mag Is mine to ID the bad one]
The out come of this will greatly effect The Joe/Jane average citizen trying to defend there families lives [ unless they are hero PD members]
Prediction ++++++++++ if this goes bad for them The rioters and looters will feel more entitled to do what ever they wish
Only had to do it once . When the cameras and light kicked in. Let loose the RAVEN from the side [front] gate. 70 Pound, 18 month old Insane, Pure EVIL Girl. Sorta glad I could call her Back. She is standoff-ish until she Hears That word .
Have A sign at the property . Aiming...
Oh,Oh,Oh, but, but, but the evil PD should have spoken real nice and polite Or maybe shot the bottle out of his hand.
What is a life worth ? Was that directed to save one or more Officers or a crazed Drunk/drugged thug.
Better if one or 2 officers had thee face and arms cut up first...
Oh wow ! this is gonna be fun to watch. See not gonna be like the past protest in DC. Once you/they get past the fence. Your a target . And they do not need permission to pull the bang switch.
Before you make A judgement. Look into the back ground of this Bull shit.
Only proof is SHE said Guess it pays to be a black Thug against a White [ can I say white?] man.
Well given in newyork shititstan you can only have 10 "TEN" rounds
My old 1955 1894 spitting out 7 rounds of 30x30 sorta gets the edge over 5.56 /.223 . And if your trained to round count, I can reload from the 12 round bandoleer
I said it before. Some of the SCOTUS were bought and paid for long ago, maybe even before they took a seat. THINK. Trump who I support was hood winked or just blind.
lets see less than 15 % are Black. Yet the entire country is being torn down. think TV has/had nothing to do with anything.
What is next they get to fuck your daughter and wife because they are white.
MC like I said I used to have great respect for your comments. Was The officers Knee on his neck or shoulder. Please prove it to me. All the witness were non white involved the current [ censored]
Given that you say A white cop murdered a black many time convicted felon . It...
M. C. I usually have the highest respect for you comments . You and I have NO idea of what went on other than than the one/2 phone videos that could have been edited . What happened before this arrest. He Kicked off at the hospital . Full of Drugs.
Have A 1955 1894 Wnnie 30x30 I want to put a Sling on. Barrel tube is 5/8 so .625 Right ?
Don't care about drilling the stock because it has A scope mounted [ although could be Factory ]
Prefer A grove tech but seems out of stock. Read bad thing about Uncle Mikes.
China is not that stupid "yet" There economy is dependent on The USA. There Navy and Air Force is a joke at best. There Air defense system also A joke. The country is Ringed and targeted . It took years of coward presidents to get us here. And NOW just one to Stand up for...
Doesn't make A crap difference what any Judge orders. Ya gotta remember bill was getting his cock sucked in the oval office [ borderline pedo]
Made on difference. Bet hillbitch was holding it while [ ??? ] was sucking and licking. The pig daughter right out of the gate makes what 1/4...